Notice you don’t see where the apostles hands are? That’s very strange.
What’s going on with their hands?
I think we all know what’s going on, and the WT art department are trying to ignore it!
memorial invitation : subliminal message.
at first glance, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the invitation but on closer look a disturbing detail becomes is in the upper right corner of the illustration of jesus christ celebrating the last supper with his disciples in the upper room...there seem to be trees outside the window but on closer inspection, all thanks to the pdf format of the invitation that allows you a very close look down to the fine detail, these are not trees but letters!!!.
Notice you don’t see where the apostles hands are? That’s very strange.
What’s going on with their hands?
I think we all know what’s going on, and the WT art department are trying to ignore it!
i don't think the wt ever say anything about this prophecy.
if they did, i think they will say it is symbolic and that it doesn't mean damascus will be destroyed literally,.
but watching the things happening now in syria , it seems very possible that it could happen.. if this prophecy comes true, will those of you here who have rejected the bible as the word of god think twice regarding the bible?.
If this prophecy comes true, will those of you here who have rejected the bible as the word of god think twice regarding the bible?
The bible is bullshit, no events on earth can change this.
I have to admit that there is still a belief lingering inside my head that the bible is true
You’ve been indoctrinated. You need to get educated.
Relax and enjoy yourself, there is no evil sky daddy scheming out death or deliverance for humanity.
common with a japanese prisoner answer no talking alowed.
True to form. Another gem.
curious what the canadian take is on all this .
i also understand he compared islamic state terrorists to greek, vietnamese & italian migrants?
that one i haven't confirmed yet but sounds wacky if true.
It’s sad. That pathetic rambling response..
It’s sad because of the applause. What the actual fuck are those crazy leftists in the crowd clapping about?? I didn’t hear one thing that actually addresses the mans concerns.
“Whats that? You’re worried that perhaps some of the 40k muslims that immigrated may be potentially extremist?? Don’t worry young man, we had Italians migrate here before!”
So stupid, it shouldn’t need explaining.
With Islam also comes cancerous ideology. It’s why everywhere that Islam thrives is a shithole. Wake up.
The Italians don’t deserve this comparison.
a letter was read tonight in our kingdom hall that the money that the circuits in the indianapolis area had in savings to build a new assembly hall will now be transferred to the www to build kingdom halls in lands where they are needed and a new assembly hall for us will not be built.. we had a beautiful assembly hall near downtown indy that was paid for.
it was sold a couple of years ago.
we were promised a new assembly hall to be built in southern ohio near the indiana border but they can kiss that goodbye now.
They risk losing some members by increasing this type of swindling.
I know of cases here where donations were taken for the WWW... it adds up to millions $ stolen from Australian congregations who were expecting to get KHs built, and that’s just the few I’ve heard of locally.
Mention the fire sale and JWs always reply with “there is massive growth in Africa! They NEED the KH more in Africa ...”
The WTS must have multi-million dollar investment plans for a massive African continent expansion. Given the extent of the recent sales, it could be in excess of 1 billion dollars. The WTS might invest so much money, they will single handedly pull nations out of poverty, feed and clothe entire villages and stem the flow corruption!... or they could pay lawyers vast sums of money to defend the WTS against accusations of child sex abuse.
Probably the latter, sorry Africa.
where do jws stand on the new medical marijuana?
i know they would df for use of it for recreation but if a dr in california gave it as a perscript, and it was legal to buy and use for medical use, has anyone ran into this yet?.
Just keep smashing a bottle of wine a night. Hit the beers hard. Scotch by the bottle is fine. That’s the JW way.
Don’t ever smoke a joint that shit is toxic!!
so i have started down the path of trying to understand evolution, and to get the linear lies that the jws planted in my head out of it.
i bought an audiobook called "evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters" by donald prothero.
i heard it recommended on an atheist podcast that i listened to.
I refuse to accept palaeontologists have discovered any transitional fossils between complex invertebrates and fish, and this destroys the whole evolutionary story in my own mind.
so i have started down the path of trying to understand evolution, and to get the linear lies that the jws planted in my head out of it.
i bought an audiobook called "evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters" by donald prothero.
i heard it recommended on an atheist podcast that i listened to.
While resultant species believed to have evolved are evident, no one has ever come up with fossils of transitional species or a chain of evolving transitional species all connected to the resultant. Also, take the human being, there are no surving transitionals, only the final result. Hence, everything roaming the earth is a resultant species from the mechanics of the evolutionary process. But there should also be around the other species that connect everything together. There aren't any. --There are a lot of explanations though.
It gets murky sometimes. Hard to tell if it’s a bold-faced lie or just extreme ignorance?...
Pure bullshit nonetheless.
is it because we were in the cult watchtower compound that we talk about being ex-jw's when we stop being active?
i have never heard anyone say that i was an ex-catholic or an ex-lutheran or an ex-baptist.
they just stop going to their church and don't talk about it.. years after not stepping inside a kingdom hell, many of us still have to talk about being ex-jw's.
If you were born and raised a JW, I’m sure you could understand...
It’s not fucking normal.
confidential items are of most interest of course, just curious what they're talking about there in general and what are the newest things everyone is being warned about, etc.
Porn is bad and don’t masturbate. Watching porn and masturbating simultaneously can turn a straight man into a raging homosexual after one money shot.
Seriously though, I have heard from someone that pornography gets a mention.... again.