you might want to consider how your wife feels about it.
Wait.. they have feelings?
be courageous, and blessed is he that cometh in the name of jah.
she didn't want us to go in the ugly vintage station wagon together so she carpooled with her friends, so i'm going dressed as one of the wurzels on a raleigh rally.
oo-arr oo-arr.. the org is robbing us of time together, so i have a right to crash the parties she goes to.. if anyone has any judgments, at least i came carbon neutral..
you might want to consider how your wife feels about it.
Wait.. they have feelings?
just wonder what they teach in school for elders?
they always have this schools don't know if it's once a years or more.
just wonder what they learn.
Contact the branch! Don’t tell the police!
look at the dogs face, i can't stop laughing at this!!
and he's peeing right into the holder part of the literature, so they are going to have manually wash that out haha.
I knew this cart witnessing was taking the piss.
look at the dogs face, i can't stop laughing at this!!
and he's peeing right into the holder part of the literature, so they are going to have manually wash that out haha.
That’s the sense of urgency we expect from a sister in the preaching work. Well done, the Good News of the Kingdom must be kept dry!
That bro doesn’t seem to care where the dog pisses. Sister on deck, she can clean that mess. believes that jesus is not god but a separate entity.
let's go with that for the time being.
in the referenced scriptures the writer of hebrews says that jesus "sustains all things by the word of his power" and has been "appointed heir of all things".
Worship or obeisance can be used, depending on whatever doctrine is being supported.
The WTS likes to keep things flexible. It’s called translating, silly.
i went on line looking for old jw songs and some of them were pretty good and some were just awful!.
did you ever like any of those songs?
Dumb dumb dum-dumbbb..
maga hat...make america great again .
guy wears it in nyc bar and gets thrown out.
manhattan court throws out the case citing that since its not religious discrimination, it’s the bar’s right.. what so you think about this?
I think he got off lightly just being kicked out.
in therapy, i was told i should write a letter of grievances to each of my parents.
i really do not have any for my mother, except for things that directly relate to being raised as a jehovah's witness.
upon reflection, my childhood was hell because of the religion and its pernicious corruption of a normal childhood.
My non JW father died when I was around the age to start school.
Raised a JW by my mother, I believed we would see my dad again in ‘paradise’, and going to the boring meetings was our way of getting there.
All my school friends would first be destroyed to make way for the beautiful paradise. Once my friends and unbelieving relatives were killed, only then could I have the joyful reunion with my dad.
I knew as a 6 year old, this was messed up.
The JW religion plays Russian roulette with a child’s mental health.
memorial invitation : subliminal message.
at first glance, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the invitation but on closer look a disturbing detail becomes is in the upper right corner of the illustration of jesus christ celebrating the last supper with his disciples in the upper room...there seem to be trees outside the window but on closer inspection, all thanks to the pdf format of the invitation that allows you a very close look down to the fine detail, these are not trees but letters!!!.
Notice you don’t see where the apostles hands are? That’s very strange.
What’s going on with their hands?
I think we all know what’s going on, and the WT art department are trying to ignore it!
i don't think the wt ever say anything about this prophecy.
if they did, i think they will say it is symbolic and that it doesn't mean damascus will be destroyed literally,.
but watching the things happening now in syria , it seems very possible that it could happen.. if this prophecy comes true, will those of you here who have rejected the bible as the word of god think twice regarding the bible?.
If this prophecy comes true, will those of you here who have rejected the bible as the word of god think twice regarding the bible?
The bible is bullshit, no events on earth can change this.
I have to admit that there is still a belief lingering inside my head that the bible is true
You’ve been indoctrinated. You need to get educated.
Relax and enjoy yourself, there is no evil sky daddy scheming out death or deliverance for humanity.