Guns are rife in Australia. It’s a vast country and guns are the tools needed for Australians who own large property, and there are many.
There is a common misunderstanding that our guns were taken from us. Everyone who needed a gun got the license. Anyone who wants one can get one, providing you get the license. All the laws around owning and registering firearms are very tight. If you’ve got criminal history buying from the blackmarket and paying premium $ is your only option.
We have had numerous gun amnesties, even just had one recently in my state of Queensland which saw many thousands of firearms handed over.
Guns laws in Australia worked, the stats don’t lie. Shootings did occur, but dropped off significantly to almost non existent after gun laws were introduced. I’m talking mass shootings of 4 or more. This is Australia, not a proposed solution for the US.
A licensed gun owner in Australia used his tools to murder his entire family only a few weeks ago. He didn’t stab them, run them down in a truck or van, he need not beat them to death. The gun is the tool for killing.
Tighter laws or adding restrictions on gun owners may work, may not.
Loving the argument that killers will just turn to other methods like driving trucks and cars into people... trucks and cars are everywhere so there is no point in restricting guns.
Wow, flawless logic.