"woke up this mornin"..........someone please post this song! thanks.
"woke up this mornin"..........someone please post this song! thanks.
oops...double post
Sorry RIP! I didn't know you started a thread already! Everyone can disreguard mine! oops! If anyone can post the begining song to the show I would love it! Thanks!
i loved the sopranos!
i thought he was a great actor!.
I loved the Sopranos! I thought he was a great actor!
of course i was aware that the new headquarters would be there but according to the above plans it is immense!.
253 acres???
Yet the end is coming faster now than ever! I think it is just a modern day Beth Sarim and Beth Shan for them.
this is the first of three "dramas" this dc, and i have to say, it was one of the weirdest dramas ever.
i won't go through all the details.
maybe someone else wants to throw in their 2c.. it starts out with two men standing on the "beach" talking, but it took me awhile to figure out what in the hell was going on.
well..........here's a HIGH-FIVE! to the lady that left during the drama. Pure fiction.
suffern tenants must move after jehovah's witnesses group buys building .
suffern the nonprofit organization behind the jehovahs witnesses has purchased an apartment complex in the village with plans to use it as temporary housing for members while they work to build a massive new headquarters in nearby warwick, orange county.. the sale of the 48-unit suffern commons at 10-12 chestnut st. closed last week, a spokesman for the watchtower society told the journal news.. the deal forces families in the three-story building to quickly find alternative housing and could mean a loss to the village of $56,000 in annual property taxes if the new owner secures a religious tax exemption which it is interested in, spokesman richard devine said.. before the sale was confirmed, tenants spent the past few weeks anxiously trying to figure out why some of them received notices to vacate by june 30. others who had signed one-year leases or didnt know when their leases were up, like terri fosina-friedman, also have prepared to move.. but the painful process and lack of information from their landlord and the new owner has angered many residents, fosina-friedman said.. im just happy that i got it settled and i got another place to live and my son can stay in the school district, she said.. the watchtower society, the brooklyn-based organization that establishes doctrine for millions of jehovahs witnesses around the world, intends to honor tenants existing leases at suffern commons, devine said.
he indicated that the society would consider an extension of the june 30 move-out deadline.. were going to work with the tenants, he said.
I posted this to facebook, thanks for posting it. Hope it will get more coverage.
6 months or so ago, me and my wife decided we will never set foot again in a kingdom hall.
about 4 months earlier than that, i stumbled upon an article about the wts being associated with the un.
that got me into finding out ttat eventually.
i really like this site and some of the comments i've read.
i was in the organization for 31 years and now i'm free!.
recently left the organization and am trying to rebuild my life.
Welcome! Lots of great people here! Thank You! thanks for coming here!
all of the gb members are dumb.
so which one is the dumbest?
i'm going with either losch or morris.
double post.......wish I had a cat to blame it on......sorry folks.