1. http://www.al-anon.alateen.org/local-meetings
2. open your own bank account
3. Research yous assets, joint ownerahip property etc
4. Research employment prospects or source of income, assistance.m
5. When you get all your ducks lined up,...talk to him about the damage he is doing to the family And you.
6. Implement "tough love"...seek reconciliation, showing care and kindness, but do NOT ENABLE his addictions.
7. Keep your mind active and not consumed with the issue, but know you have plans "A Cooking" ;)
8. learn the serenity prayer, and say it every hour on the hour ....;) when needed
- God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
- The courage to change the things I can,
- And the wisdom to know the difference.
In love ;) PT ...been there done that ...