LOL!! I have been laughing so hard at this with tears running down my face, my husband came in to see what I was laughing at.
JoinedPosts by innerpeace
AGM Release: The New, Improved New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
by Oubliette inthis just in from the annual meeting: a new release of the new, improved new world translation of the holy scriptures.
(reposted from
Do you detect an underlying sadness ?
by Phizzy inwhenever i talk to jw's, and even in some of the jw official videos, i detect a definite vibe of sadness coming off these people.. i am very sensitive to "atmospheres" and to peoples emotional state, you wouldn't think so, because more often than not i do not react to what i detect, i just let people get on with it.. but i do get this feeling that they are sad, probably because very, very, very deep down they realise that it is all false, maybe ?.
I was teary eyed after talking to my dad on the phone last night, he's 75 and has been a witness for almost 40 years. The subject came up and I asked him if he thought the new system would be here by now. He mentioned the changes lately, including the generation change from a few yrs ago. Asked him how he felt about the changes and he just said he didn't really know, that they were still studying them in the WT. Basically said he was getting too old/tired to grasp new big changes and also how it's getting hard for him and my mom to make the meetings, hard getting dressed in a suit when you're just so tired and not feeling well. I just let him talk, I never say anything negative about the society or the witnesses. I would never take his hope away, it seems the society is doing a good enough job of that, even if they realize it or not. The whole thing is just so sad indeed.
My son is very excited about this. Heard it was the most expensive video game to make
Outlaw - LOL!!
Today is my birthday
by Gojira_101 inwell so far it is a fantastic day!
i know my grandma isn't going to call me like she does every year to say she is happy i was born.
you know the jw form of wishing someone a happy birthday.
Happy day of birth! That is actually what I've seen some witnesses tell eachother on facebook, like just say happy birthday for crying out loud, lol.
Hope you have a great one, enjoy!
Grammy's memorial service...
by diana netherton inwell, i guess i can't be shocked but it's been a while since i've been to a jw service.
i honestly felt like i was sitting through an amway sales pitch with my grandmother's name inserted every once in a while.
it's not personal at all.
Sorry about your grammy. You know it must be bad when even witnesses notice it and say they are going to write their own funeral talk. That's what happened recently after a memorial talk for a young witness. Some people noticed how impersonal it was. One thing they have missing from the witness funerals are music. I've been to a few non witness ones where their favorite music was played and it made it a lot more personal.
30 JWs baptized every hour
by Calebs Airplane ini just came across this gem on "the chatanoogan"... it was an ad/article about the 2013 dc at the nw georgia trade & convention center arena .... what i found most interesting was the fluff at the end of the article.... fast facts - jehovah's witnesses worldwide.
6 - new congregations formed each day30 - people baptized each hour on average239 - lands where jehovah's witnesses currently preach595 - languages in which they publish bibles and bible-based literature111,719 congregations worldwide7,538,994 - ministers who teach the bible19,000,000 - people who attend their meetings or conventions179,000,000 - bibles published by jehovah's witnesses in 116 languages20,000,000,000 - pieces of bible-based literature published by jehovah's witnesses over the past 10 yearsare you kidding me?
6 congos formed each day?
My mom said recently that they are printing bibles and literature in over 1,000 languages. That can't be right?
Sparlock and memories of childhood
by Laika inwhen i was about 6/7 there was a talk that made reference to the violence of teenage mutant ninja turtles.
when we got home, all my tmnj figures were packed up into a plastic bag and put away in the loft.
at least they weren't thrown in a wheelie bin.. when i was about 13 there was a local needs (yes, a whole talk) on the evils of pokemon, complete with the statement that pokemon was short for pocket demons (not true) no more pokemon blue for me.. i remember explaining to my pe (gym) teacher, in front of my whole class, that i could not play for the football (soccer!
I remember my brother and I having to get rid of certain albums after specific artists were mentioned at the assembly in the 80's. I had to get rid of Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' and he had to get rid of Van Halen. I also remembered them mentioning Twisted Sister, never had their album though lol. Was huge into the smurfs and watched them all the time until the society decided they were evil.
My parents were very liberal but I do remember the feeling of being different in school, esp at holidays. It's not a good feeling, every kid has a natural desire to fit in with the crowd. Glad my kids won't have to worry about that. I love it when my son gets invited to birthday parties.
100 things I learned from watching "The Prodigal Son" DVD
by Perversion of a truth inthese are things that were said or insinuated, i start with the first 15.
1. working for a corporation in the city makes you fall out of the truth.. 2. if you become inactive or leave jehovah you will make your whole family sad and ruin everything.. 3. all worldly people cheat.. 4. all worldly people curse.. 5.
So I just got finished watching the video (it helps to have a glass of wine while viewing). I have to admit that the production is actually good, never had that kind of thing when I was growing up. Can tell they are really trying to appeal to the younger people with the corporate environment, coffee house, and bar scenes. However, the message is still the same. Guilt and more guilt. Poor guy never had a chance with everyone jumping down his throat after just starting that job. Set up for failure from the very beginning. Hang out with wordly people it will only lead to a bad outcome. Why can't they make the version where he's able to find another job, stay in the city, and have a normal healthy relationship with that nice girl? They would never want you to see that now would they.
100 things I learned from watching "The Prodigal Son" DVD
by Perversion of a truth inthese are things that were said or insinuated, i start with the first 15.
1. working for a corporation in the city makes you fall out of the truth.. 2. if you become inactive or leave jehovah you will make your whole family sad and ruin everything.. 3. all worldly people cheat.. 4. all worldly people curse.. 5.
Thanks for posting the link to the video maninthemiddle, gonna try to watch it this week-end. My mom said it made her cry. I guess that is what they want to accomplish with the video, tug at people's heart strings.