I have to read the trash at the bookstudy, nobody give an answer. So boring and senseless. Count every minute, hear the end is near (of the cong, don't hope to muchn;)). And then, the song. The most people under 30 with a little brain, fight against to laugh out loud. I was also reminded to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HCjQbKowUo
JoinedPosts by crazy_flickering_light
I almost died laughing at the meeting last night. OMG WTF is going on? Have I been away this long?
by macys inok so most of you guys know already that i am going through the reinstatement process for my parents but i do have a partially sinister plan which i will not mention here since someone told me that there are b-lites that read boards like this.
last night and it was the funniest experience i have ever seen.
besides that the brother doing the sound and video screwed up the whole thing when showing the videos and it took 3 brothers to fix it after 10 minutes, the whole thing was a joke.
Do JW's still go door-to-door?
by Dark Knight inwith the rise of the new literature cart method of preaching, i'm curious as to how the traditional jw preaching work is organized.
the other reason i ask this is that i hardly see jw's door-knocking anymore.are they still going door-to-door and tracking how regularly their territory is covered?
are they still using territory maps and keeping track of do-not-calls, ethnic/deaf houses etc?i'm also curious as to how the literature cart ministry is organized.
Door2door don't stop, you have to report when you finished preachIng in all your territory. Normally you should finish it twice a year. With the flyerstuff and invitations it's easy. Even easier you say that you finished and don't disturb the people in your territory. ;)
You have to order the carts by the bOrg, they send it with the literature. There plans, when and where. Mostly at the carts only uber-dubs and younger once allowed.
How this Jehovah’s Witness feels about the Australian Royal Commission
by Simple Minds ini know the arc is old news i know i am preaching to the converted but i had to express how i feel because most of my jw friends and family dont want to hear .
so this is how i feel.
i have faithfully served as a jehovahs witness for over 25 years..
One thing, I wonder about: if there a 2nd witness, wouldn't it mean, that's an abuser also?
Are JW's allowed to have close non JW friends?
by 007DB1 ini am a non-participating christian who is fully respectful of but never had anything to do with jw.. i have a jw friend who seems to closely follow his jw belief's.
i have met most of his family and friends who all are also jw's.
he says i am his only non-jw good friend.. he is getting married this year to his long time gf and with our recent growing more guarded and distant friendship, i am wondering what is going on?.
If you interact with his friends, there also a lot of options: they all called witnesses. But there people who only associate with JW, mostly young born-in. Next level, people which not baptised - called unbaptised witnesses. Next level baptised in not the best standing. Next baptised and in good standing. Next MS/Elders/pioneers.
Mostly you'll only meet the first two or three groups. So you don't know all his friends for shure. If you get contact with the last groups, then he know, that they don't make trouble about it. Means, not normal JW in high position. Crazy cult, isn't it?
The'll know if you wordly. When they see you, they ask you something like which cong or so. Remember the watchtower where friends should control Facebook and so from other and report it to the elders.
Maybe contact with a wordly person should be reduced if he wan't the talk in the kingdomhall at there wedding. The elders can say so. And maybe he is afraid to talk about it with you.
Are JW's allowed to have close non JW friends?
by 007DB1 ini am a non-participating christian who is fully respectful of but never had anything to do with jw.. i have a jw friend who seems to closely follow his jw belief's.
i have met most of his family and friends who all are also jw's.
he says i am his only non-jw good friend.. he is getting married this year to his long time gf and with our recent growing more guarded and distant friendship, i am wondering what is going on?.
It can be a big problem. If you got friends in the so called "world", you don't follow the rules. So, he won't not be disfellowshipped for it, but it's possible to lost your stand.
For examble: I travel this time with an "wordly" friend, if somebody discover it, I maybe lost priveleges (losing my stand in the cong). And if you grow up as a JW, you trained to think, "worldy" peoply not real, true friends, only bad influence. But, as Toesup says, it's the opposide.
So, do you know anythink about the GF? Did he mention that she preach a lot, her father is an elder or so? Than this could also be a reason.
In the Shadow of Sin-Portuguese documentary
by the girl next door inhttps://youtu.be/8ue3--fnsh8.
the portuguese channel tvi in portugal, broadcast this documentary in october 2015 about jehovah's witnesses.
child abuse, shunning, blood transfusions and many other topics were mentioned in this report.the documentary makers asked for a response from the leadership of jehovahs witnesses to the damaging statements made by survivors of child abuse and domestic violence.
Those keenly following umbertoecho ARC Brief Update.
by MightyV8 ini feel it is comfortable to say,.
yes her arc hearing has come and gone.. yes her hearing was so powerful, her allotted time was tripled!.
yes, information handed over "mind blowing" response from arc.
@umbertoecho Thanks a lot to you. You a brave one. I don't find the words, maybe the reason it's not my native tongue but I think the main thing is, there's no words for it. Thank you, for everything you go thru. For everything you have to bear. And be sure, if there is anything at the ARC or in the Australian news, it will be translated and spread - Germany, Australia, Switzerland and many more - we watching Australia an spread it, as much we can do. You make a big difference, so kudos and all the best wishes I can imagine.
Big hug to you
Elders, oh my God what a bunch of losers!
by Crazyguy inok i don't mean to put all of them into just one box so to speak, their are some that are smart successful etc.
but my god most of them are just wasted space, ignorant, no drive, horrible jobs, make nothing for income and the only thing in life they have going for them is this title.
no wonder so many will not wake up and hold on to this stupid cult, it's all they have.
Don't forget, a lot of BOE-Letters comes up, leaked by elders. But often the caught in the system. No way to stepping down, without a big lost. Lot of them trying to stay in "stealth-mode" to help the family get awoken. It's hard for them, to live on both sides.
And like everywhere, there also stupid ones.
Predictions for 2016
by LevelThePlayingField inso, it's that time of year again.
here's a few of my predictions.
) no armageddon.
For me:
Getting caught for talking to df's, spreading TTATT in the cong and much more, joining a JC and have to step down, so I can start my fade. Maybe I can wake some more. Also hope that my "Plan B" works and I get more friends outside. And more time for working undercover. ;)
For the cult:
Until 09/2016 more money-grabbing, more dramatic changes, new light. Near 10/2016 something like a "big bang". The new cult-center in Warwick will be finished, a lot of money will be made until this time, all savings from the cong and halls will be transferred and also the new service year will be started. Perfect time I think. Only a sugestion.
What's happens after, I'm not sure. I think about two options: getting a videobased hardcore-cult or opens up a little bit - because of the ARC, drop a lot of wrong crap (607, shunning,...) via nu light and they have enough money to let the exodus happen. After that maybe a new cult will build, new name maybe.
One think I don't understand in the puzzle is the emergency-bag. Maybe very crazy shit is ahead. The uber-dubs buy pro-stuff for surviving outside, without any plan to use it. Have a lot of funny talks about hardware. And also the sugestion what to buy is trash/interesting. It contains water for a lot of days, but no filter. Food for some days but no hunting hardware. Nothing for protect you from bad air. And so on. Mainly it's focussed - in my opinion - to a world-ends-meeting somewhere, not for surviving in a real trouble outside a shelter or house. Maybe somebody get the same feeling?
(Sorry, if it's bad to read, not my native language.)
by HowTheBibleWasCreated ini have a beard.
i spend a month on vacation with no worry from the congregation overseas of course.
i grew a full beard now and with glasses i finally have posted my picture on facebook og me... next to half life 2 cover showing i look like gordan freeman lol.
I come from germany. But I heard this days from a guy who got a lot of trouble in a cong nearby. No microphone or something anymore.
And some days before I had a talk about beards with an elder. Freaky. I've been told, it's biblical. But it's not a thing, he will talk about it. ;) I think, the brother in my cong is only MS on borrowed time. If there's a way, he will be kicked, for any stupid reason they can find.