JoinedPosts by crazy_flickering_light
Leaving jw propaganda all around the house, what to do?
by Crazyguy inthe wife leaves it all around, not sure if this is by design i don't think so since the return to jah brochure was never left out.
it drives me a bit nuts but haven't done anything about it.
looking for ideas on what i should do?
You can also try the dub-way. Ask her, if she thinks that it's a part of a wise use when everywhere mags at your home. If she don't need this trash anymore, she should give it back to the kingdomhall for other preachers. -
Full bearded MS in my cong. He got MS and grow the beard some time later. -
How to spot faders or "closeted" apostates in a congregation / meeting?
by nevaagain inso i am awoken for several years now (never really bought the cool aid) but for family reasons i am still enduring everything.
but my wife knows ... .
anyway so yesterday we had this boring meeting and as i was sitting there trying to make time pass faster i looked around me and i thought who else feels the same as me and is completely bored?
At the moment I have to. Yes, it's hard. Its part of my plans I work at the moment, I hope I have to step down the next time. Will make them kick me to start my fade and not to step down on my own. Should be a very cool WTF-moment in the cong. Until this happens, I try to wake up others. At this moment it worked!
You know: If you want an apostate friend, you have to make a friend an apostate!
How to spot faders or "closeted" apostates in a congregation / meeting?
by nevaagain inso i am awoken for several years now (never really bought the cool aid) but for family reasons i am still enduring everything.
but my wife knows ... .
anyway so yesterday we had this boring meeting and as i was sitting there trying to make time pass faster i looked around me and i thought who else feels the same as me and is completely bored?
I think you can't discover every awoken. I hope so, don't crush my plans of fading. I have to attend the meetings (MS) and so I fake a big part of it. But from the outside I look perfect: coloured WT, some text on the side (BS means biblestudy, please don't missunderstand.), answers,...
If you know me, you only know I'm a critical thinker, sometimes very critical. But unless you know me very good, you think I'm full in. I hope there a lot of people in the cong awoken but to afraid to show it.
Advice needed
by Peony incan someone tell me the scriptural basis (according to jw's) for shunning disassociated ones.
only asking because i don't remember (probably wasn't that interested) i'm sure the shunning in the scriptures was just applied to disfellowshipped.
i've only been out 3 years but i seem to have forgotten any scriptures or reasoning!
They can. The official WT-spin is: You break up the familiy while you leave god and the cult. There's a study-WT, I think dated Februar this year, where you can read it. (I cant search the articel at the moment, sorry.) -
Memorial campaign with videos??
by BeautifulMind ingood morning from the east coast.
i have a question.
a friend of mine texted me and one of the things she said was that they were getting a lot of great responses with the campaign because they are showing the video.
I mainly fake my hours, but all the dubs very crazy about the videos. More and more buy tablets. And if you spend $$$ then every reaction is great for you. So a lot of them show videos, back to the roots - grammophone 2.0 -
Proof of false pictures
by rebel8 inpost photographic evidence of dubs' false prophecies.
i'll start:.
the preaching work will conclude in the 20th century.
Can anybody post a pic from the last broadcast, when they throw the "expensive" bread away? -
My meeting yesterday
by stephanie61092 inso i just wanted to jot down some thoughts and feelings about my meeting yesterday.... first, the wt, paragraph 16. i couldn't help but laugh to myself at the blatant hypocrisy.
god’s word admonishes us “to live with soundness of mind ... amid this present system of things.” (titus 2:12) having “soundness of mind,” or being sober-minded, should certainly come into play when the explanation of a diagnostic method or therapy seems strange or mysterious.
can the practitioner or the one promoting it explain satisfactorily how it works?
Crazy. How stupid they are? This show, how the lovlely shepherds try, to bring the lost shep back to the flock. What a bunch of idiots. There is a watchtower, that df people can sit in between the others. -
The Watchtower Org will die.
by Freeandclear ini was just reading through some posts and had a startling realization.. the comment that sparked this went something like this: why oh why when i started into this in 1989 did i not research the history of the wtbts?
etc....... i too was studying and moving towards baptism around that same time.
i got dunked in dec of 1990.. my thought.
Skedaddle, I also think so, there's a big change ahead. My sugestion is, in september the new temple in Warwick is finished, a new year (witness-years from october to september) starts, most of the kingdomhalls got beamer or screens, most publisher got a tablet and the midweekmeeting nearly finished the book-study. So there'll be a good point for the next "big thing".
And the publisher in the cong more and more bored.
YOUNG PEOPLE ASK Should I Grow a Beard?
by neat blue dog inok, ok, so the actual title of the article released today on jw-org is "young people askshould i get a tattoo?
", but i thought i'd replace some words and phrases from the actual article, as follows:"regardless of the motive, you should think long and hard before deciding to have anything growing out of .
your skin!
Hi pale. It's also very troubled in germany. A cong nearby gives an unbaptized hell, for having a little, small beard. But in our cong, the MS is a little bit pissed I think, there happening a lot of crazy stuff. So he's not interested, if he had to step down.
But there is and was never a scriptual reason for beeing shaved. If you look like one of ZZ Top or beeing a sister - there's nothing to discuss, it's inapprobiat. But if the beard looks good, trimmed and so - why not?It's not scriptual, so you don't have to follow.
REALLY??? I heard about it, but I never believed it. A spare shirt? How stupid is the elder and how stupid is the speaker to change the shirt? Hey, if somebody come to you in the cong and tell you: "Your shirt is inapprobiat, take this one!" it will be a dream. Then you get a cheap, used white shirt - and you wear it. Funny. I would go immediatly, laughing and start my car loud, very loud. Or I ask, if he had a shirt from my favorite english shirt-brand or CK, will be perfect also....