I'm so sad. Retiring will hurt activism, not the bOrg. Fuck the idiots for attacking you.
No matter what happens, a beer waiting here in Germany always for you.
2020--articles of association and bylaws--3 pages.. .
2020--notice of special meeting in december--8 pages.
if you are a jw read carefully before you sign.. .
I'm so sad. Retiring will hurt activism, not the bOrg. Fuck the idiots for attacking you.
No matter what happens, a beer waiting here in Germany always for you.
someone has stepped forward to assist us.
that sure didn't take very long!.
2020-august-s-147-e announcements and reminders, in english and in german.. .
Thanks, this could fit, based on the numbers in the past, as it replaced different payments. Would also fit without an issue to a German Cong, when I remember my time as an accountant.
someone has stepped forward to assist us.
that sure didn't take very long!.
2020-august-s-147-e announcements and reminders, in english and in german.. .
Anybody know how much they want for each puplisher?
They drop the help for puplishers at the desaster relief and only support theocratic facilities.
german files.. .
2019-october organized to do jehovah's will-od.
2019-october shepherd the flock of god-german.
the jw files are from eva who travels from switzerland to germany regularly.
she is teaching me how to make swiss quilts.. https://www.pinterest.com/karenannalena/quilts-swedish/?autologin=true .
i am teaching her italian cooking.. https://www.pinterest.com/mathomson/italian-food/ 2019 special pioneer meeting-englishhttps://we.tl/t-orkjngtkjq 2019 special pioneer meeting-germanhttps://we.tl/t-i9vot17z0t love never fails convention-german friday-am: https://we.tl/t-ozkcqkuojbfriday-pm: https://we.tl/t-e2wgmbny0gsaturday-am: https://we.tl/t-vzjumtqfptsaturday-pm: https://we.tl/t-8jf3x8xdv5sunday-am: https://we.tl/t-yiux3w7xihsunday-pm: https://we.tl/t-u0b5aneucagot to run, grandpa atlantis is trying to steal my lemon meringue.
just in case this wasn't posted yet.. criminal charges against jehovah's witnesses for trial fraud.
(a video is provided on this same page.).
use google translate.. https://www.swr.de/swraktuell/baden-wuerttemberg/strafanzeige-wegen-prozessbetrugs-gegen-zeugen-jehovas,zeugen-jehovas-104.html atlantis!
Everybody can file a "Anzeige" for nearly everything.
It only means that they go to the police and act this way. So we have to look, how the police handle it.
If the police look into it (they can also abadon it), then we need to look whats the outcome, the involvement of the court,...
It's not such a big deal in my opinion.
just in case this wasn't posted yet.. criminal charges against jehovah's witnesses for trial fraud.
(a video is provided on this same page.).
use google translate.. https://www.swr.de/swraktuell/baden-wuerttemberg/strafanzeige-wegen-prozessbetrugs-gegen-zeugen-jehovas,zeugen-jehovas-104.html atlantis!
Don't expect to much. We need to wait on Jehova what happens next.
okay sorry, just a few more things that grabbed me in this issue:.
the magazine starts with an article dedicated to the 100th anniversary of that all important year on which the gb's authority hangs, 1919. the article ends with several rapid fire assertions:.
by the end of 1919, jehovah’s peoplewere reorganized and energized.
2019 application for prison minister.
2019 brd visitor center newsletter.