26 years old, native of northwestern Ohio, USA. Not disfellowshipped it disassociated, but have been officially inactive for 6 years. Growing up, my family was on and off most of the time, but I was concerned with out eternal salvation (and felt bad for letting our family study continue for years with no progress) and continued on by myself with the hopes of bringing everyone in. I was baptized at 14 and considered exemplary in my congregation. I auxhilary pioneered with every holiday break from school, was regularly scheduledfor demos on TMS and also gave an experience at our Circuit Assembly. I fell out when i began college. I was burned out and also wanting more for myself. I started feeling guilty for doubts and failure to meet my impossible goals. Eventually I became very depressed and stopped going anywhere for a period of time. I was also speaking with worldly people, which others consider the sole reason for my absence. Honestly, I started losing faith after observing so much hypocrisy and also realizing that some of these teachings never make sense and adjustments only discredited my beliefs. Now I am working hard to overcome habits of extreme scrutiny and guilt for breaking the rules of the organization. I am an aspiring artist who loves coffee, reading, and learning. One major take away from the faith was becoming a good student. I study everything. I now question everything. I don't set out to change the minds of others, but I do want to help people. I am beginning a journey to be a nurse and deliver real aid to people in need. I can ramble on for hours, but I would rather have a discussion. I am Hal Artlife on facebook. On a side note, I still can't resist a nice older man in suit, haha 😁