After severe pressure from my family, I have decided to attend to the nearest KH. And a little history regarding my self: I became inactive and lost completely contact of the WT changes and "new light" 17 years ago.
Everything seemed so odd and strange during the meeting. Latest technology, animated movies, Watchtower web TV, a website that you can download everything, including KM and WT study articles. My relatives told me that in the D,A the drama was movie animated as well, so no more costumes or the anticipation from the assigned Cong to prepare the drama. And the cherry on the cake, the last song!!! Hell what was that!!!??? I thought I was in the Caribbean, drinking Pina Colada!
For someone who has been away for so long it looked like it was another religion, The only thing that looked very familiar, and confirmed that I was in WT meeting, was that the End is still near!!! I guess that is something that will never change.
I have seen elders in their late 20's!!! and MS in their late teens!!! I really don't know but it seems that the leaders of the WT are in deep confusion. In fear of loosing more members they are probably trying to become a mainstream religion. Despite GB effort, many of the older age elders are struggling to keep their teenage children in the "truth".
Being inactive I have been approached by the elders and offered a bible study!!! That will be very interesting to see what they will offer me to study, since all the books of my era are all consist apostate material now!!!
I will keep posting my observations and hope to get some more updates from the "apostates"