Just wanted to pop in and say hello to everyone.Still think of many people here and care for yahs.
I'm doing well and I am really over alot of this JW's bullcrap! Whoo hoo,how nice is that huh?
I'm off to look for some fluff.....
just wanted to pop in and say hello to everyone.still think of many people here and care for yahs.. i'm doing well and i am really over alot of this jw's bullcrap!
whoo hoo,how nice is that huh?.
i'm off to look for some fluff..... .
Just wanted to pop in and say hello to everyone.Still think of many people here and care for yahs.
I'm doing well and I am really over alot of this JW's bullcrap! Whoo hoo,how nice is that huh?
I'm off to look for some fluff.....
"so william bowen, what did you get disfellowshipped for?
i can't believe.
the false information you are giving about jehovah's witnessess.
He,she is talking like a true brainwashed robot...lol
we are ready to let it out.
our da letter says it all.
( re-copied only to keep off the names, everything else as is.
Sorry to hear for the loss of your son.**hugs**
Glad your out and that was an awesome letter.
name is actually gator.
i am not nor was i ever a jw.
i know several who were, and do understand some of the issues and such behind that religious "sect".
Hi Gator,nice to have you here!
so, not only do i have to greatly sacrifice mentally by going to the darn assemblies 3x yearly, but now they've made it so that you have to pay attention and take notes because there'll be a review with questions and answers at the following meetings.. gosh, the mind control never stops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
comments anyone?!.
Be sick that night of the review.
been going through a lot lately.
feeling the depression creeping in every once in awhile.
who here likes to pound back a few beers???
I enjoy a few drinks,every so often,but I hate getting drunk! The last time I drank tho,I did have a few too many and acccck!
I like to get tipsy!
1. avoid riding in automobiles
because they are responsible for
20% of all fatal accidents.
Very lame....but I have to laugh!
a 747 cargo plane crashed off the end of my airport 4 am this morning.
halifax international, nova scotia.. apparently landed and refueled.
briefly got back into the air and then crashed off the south/west end of the runway into a quarry.
Oh gezzzz,hate stuff like this....very sad.
for some reason i just wondered if anyone knows where the bigwigs of the borg are buried?
we know about russel and da judge, but how about freddie, nathan and the others who have kicked the bucket?
i know there is a cemetery at wt farm.......is it there they are rotting?.
Launching Pad
Good grief,I saw that on another site.How freaking odd.
hello to all my friends,.
i havent been around much lately, and i'am almost scared to post.
i came on to give everyone a big hello and to tell everyone whats been going on in my life this past year.. mostly ive been trying to put together a normal life after the lawsuit.
*****hugs***** to Vicki and hubby!
You are so strong Vicki,it was so nice to meet you and and hubby.