I was hoping that someone could upload the document for download again? All of the links seem to be broken.
the watchtower flip flop book contains two quotes where the watchtowerincludes itself as a religious cult.
and a quote showing that "newlight" is something other religious teachers practice.
the watchtowerflip flop book contains 1,654 pages of quotes and scans of nearlyevery flip flop you can imagine.the golden age, april 25th, 1923"and as we let our light shine we must not forget to be courteous,kind, tolerant and sympathetic toward our fellows.
I was hoping that someone could upload the document for download again? All of the links seem to be broken.
this is the first time i have posted on here in many years..... i seldom visit now although this forum was instrumental to me in gaining my sanity in the early 2000's and recovering from the watchtower religion.. by chance tonight i was on youtube and caught a jw.org video which out of curiosity prompted me to look at the official website and amongst other things i looked up the music section.. why that i hear you ask?
music is my passion and nothing reminds me more or evokes more memories than the kingdom songs i grew up listening to.. i am 49 years old and my mother was baptised in 1974. i grew up in the era of pink songbooks and green bibles.
of the theology of fred franz and types and anti-types.
dont buy any green bananas
i was howling watching cedars latest video of tm111 buying a dozen bottles of scotch ((maccallans scotch).
you can't write this stuff.
right, i'm now off to buy a bottle of maccallans 😂..
i believe that before an active jw will care about all of the incorrect claims and prophecies made by the organization, they first must be shown how the society claims to be speaking directly for god, and revealing truth from god.
once this can be established, showing them all of the incorrect predictions and changes of doctrine can have an effect (does jehovah make mistakes?
how can they be speaking for jehovah if they were wrong?
I believe that before an active JW will care about all of the incorrect claims and prophecies made by the organization, they first must be shown how the society claims to be speaking directly for God, and revealing truth from God. Once this can be established, showing them all of the incorrect predictions and changes of doctrine can have an effect (Does Jehovah make mistakes? How can they be speaking for Jehovah if they were wrong? Etc.). I think it is also helpful to show how often they contradict themselves on this matter. This is why I put this information together.
Jehovah’s Channel of Communication
What is the Jehovah’s channel of communication? How does it function?
Jehovah provides life giving information through a single channel of communication:
“To maintain this heavenly and earthly society of ministers in complete happiness and purpose, Jehovah has an endless store of life-giving information available for communication progressively. The Bible describes him as “the fountain of living waters.”[…]there are not many lines of flow to truth, but a single set channel of communication”-
W55 5/15 pp. 301-308 p. 11 (https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1955364#h=17)
For communication with earth, Jehovah uses either angels or holy spirit to inspire the communication channel. The agent on earth is a “prophet” or “prophet like organization”. As the immediate earthly channel through which lifegiving truth are conveyed to earth’s thirsting residents, the prophet publishes the information to many whom God intends to hear the message.
From the many recorded experiences we next observe that the official “Word” transmits the message either by means of an angelic messenger who appears face to face or by the use of God’s holy spirit to inspire the next agent in the line of communication[…]For supernatural communications that reach the earth the agent (generally a human, although once the ass of Balaam was used) is referred to Biblically as a prophet if he is a male servant of God or a prophetess if a woman. The prophet, in turn, speaks out the communication as God’s spokesman on earth. He publishes it to the many whom God intends to hear it if other than a single person is being specifically addressed. The prophet then becomes the immediate earthly channel through which the waters of lifegiving truth are conveyed to earth’s thirsting residents. Thus Jehovah’s earthly channel of communication is identified. The earthly channel is either a prophet or a collective prophetlike organization.
W55 5/15 pp. 301-308 p. 16 (https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1955364#h=24)
Jesus’ made plans for an anointed congregation of disciples to become the collective communication channel on earth, to make known God’s communications.
“Jesus made plans for an anointed congregation of disciples to become the collective channel in the earth making known God’s communications […] This power is organizational in scope and applies to no one man”
W55 5/15 pp. 308-316 p. 12 (https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1955365#h=16)
Who/What is on the receiving end of this channel of communication today?
Jehovah has a single channel of communication on earth today.
“JEHOVAH has a channel of communication on earth? Yes, even as earthly governments have channels of communication for their subjects, so the great Ruler of the universe, Jehovah God, ever since he placed intelligent creatures upon this earth, has had channels of communication, but always only one at a time, to make known to men his will and purposes regarding them.”
W56 1/1 pp. 28-29 p. 1 (https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1956006#h=2)
The anointed
Christian remnant among Jehovah’s witnesses that is Jehovah’s current
communication channel on earth today, are the faithful and discreet slave. The faithful and discreet slave uses the
Watchtower magazine as an official mouthpiece to publish direction they receive
from God as his earthly communication channel. (Note: The communication
channel has been described as being inspired by holy spirit or having an angel
deliver information, and receiving information directly from Jehovah himself.
At the same time, the claim is made that The Watchtower magazine which is used
to distribute this information is not inspired, yet in the same paragraph it is
described as directed by God.)
The evidences, therefore, are overwhelming that the anointed Christian remnant
among Jehovah’s witnesses today comprise the collective channel of
communication. […] There are about 17,000 of these anointed ones still left in
the earth, with a governing body of them residing at Bethel in Brooklyn, New
York. […] This small “faithful and discreet slave” class of anointed ones, as
they are designated, have a legal servant known as the Watch Tower Bible and
Tract Society, organized in 1884, which they use to represent them.
An official mouthpiece for this “slave” class is the Watchtower magazine, now in its seventy-sixth year of publication. This magazine makes no claim of inspiration but is guided by the inspired principles and prophecies recorded in the sacred Bible due for progressive fulfillment today. By means of this singular channel of reliable spiritual guidance all sincere, honest persons who love righteousness are being directed toward the “perfect day” in the post-Armageddon new world. You are invited to advance along with the anointed remnant from one God-directed progressive spiritual position –“
W55 5/15 pp. 308-316 p. 33&34 (https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1955365#h=41)
Jehovah’s current channel of communication is identified as the anointed Christian witnesses of Jehovah as a group. (note: Even though previously in 1955 the claim was made that the information from the anointed among Jehovah’s witnesses was not inspired, the claim is being made here that information received from them is from Jehovah himself. How can information be from Jehovah himself yet not be inspired?)
“Today Jehovah has again a channel of communication in the earth […] Among the evidences pointing to the anointed Christian witnesses of Jehovah as a group being that channel are these: their witnessing to Jehovah’s name and established kingdom; their accepting the entire Word of God; their keeping separate from the world, and their being persecuted by all nations.
Those who appreciate the foregoing facts will gladly serve with Jehovah’s channel of communication in this day […] are you making the most of your opportunities of serving with Jehovah’s channel of communication?”
W56 1/1 pp. 28-29 p. 3&4 (https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1956006#h=5)
Jehovah’s current channel is compared to past prophets in the bible, even Jesus himself.
“That God has ever had on earth a man, society or
organization to serve as a means of communication or channel the Bible clearly
shows. Thus in the very beginning God informed Adam regarding his will for him,
and Adam in turn instructed Eve”
“After him came Enoch, who prophesied of a coming judgment”
“Then there was Noah, who not only built a huge ark or chest but also served as
“a preacher of righteousness”
“Years later Jehovah God used Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as his mouthpieces.”
“For many centuries the nation of Israel, and certain prophets in particular,
served God’s purpose by communicating to men knowledge of God and of his will
for them. As Moses told his people: “What great nation is there that has righteous
regulations and judicial decisions like all this law that I am putting before
you today?””
“Upon his being baptized at the Jordan Jesus, the Son of God, began to serve as
his Father’s channel of communication to men.”
“After Jesus completed his work as a human channel of communication he ascended to heaven and at Pentecost poured out God’s holy spirit upon his waiting followers. From then on his apostles and certain older men of the Christian congregation at Jerusalem served as a channel of communication, as well as a governing body, for Christ’s followers.”
W58 8/15 pp. 485-488 p. 1-5 (https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1958602#h=4)
The Watchtower is once again defined as a tool used by Jehovah’s communication channel, the anointed Jehovah’s witnesses, to direct God’s work on earth.
“The purpose of Jehovah God therefore calls for a channel of
communication now […] Jesus, in his great prophecy about the end of this wicked
old world, indicated that God would have a channel of communication at this
time, which he would use to sound this warning: “Who really is the faithful and
discreet slave” -
“Is the Watch Tower Society this “faithful and discreet slave”? No, it is
merely a corporate body, a legal instrument used by this “slave.” Who, then, is
this “slave”? Not just one individual, but the composite body of dedicated,
anointed footstep followers of Jesus Christ”
W58 8/15 pp. 485-488 p. 8&10 (https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1958602#h=11)
“The facts show that Jehovah God is using the Watch Tower Society to make known
the facts about the vindication of his name, regarding Armageddon and
concerning his established kingdom for which all Christians have been praying.”
W58 8/15 pp. 485-488 p. 15 (https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1958602#h=20)
The Watchtower stresses that a mature Christian must have complete confidence in the truth that is revealed by Jehovah God, through Jesus, and the faithful and discreet slave (which is the anointed governing body of The Watchtower). Although claiming that the Watchtower is not inspired, once again the contradicting statement that The Watchtower provides truth from God himself is made.
“[…] a mature Christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers as far as faith and knowledge are concerned. He does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding. Rather, he has complete confidence in the truth as it is revealed by Jehovah God through his Son, Jesus Christ, and “the faithful and discreet slave.” By regularly taking in the spiritual food provided “at the proper time”—through Christian publications, meetings, assemblies, and conventions—we can be sure that we maintain “oneness” with fellow Christians in faith and knowledge.”
W01 8/1 pp. 12-17 p. 8 (https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2001563#h=11)
The Watchtower makes the very serious claim that Jehovah is speaking today through the faithful and discreet slave, just as he spoke through Jesus Christ and spoke through the Inspired Word, the Holy Bible. The claim is made that if a Christian disobeys counsel from the faithful and discreet slave, the anointed Jehovah’s witnesses, it is akin to disobeying God himself.
“God spoke to his people through Moses and other prophets. Then, Jehovah spoke to them through his Son, Jesus Christ. (Hebrews 1:1, 2) Today, we have God’s complete inspired Word, the Holy Bible. We also have “the faithful and discreet slave,” appointed by Jesus to provide spiritual “food at the proper time.” (Matthew 24:45-47) Thus, God is still speaking. But are we listening? For example, how do we respond to counsel about dress and grooming or choice of entertainment and music? Do we “listen,” that is, pay attention to and obey what is being heard? If we have the habit of making excuses or taking exception to the counsel, we are opening ourselves to the subtle danger of hardening our hearts.”
W98 7/15 99. 9-14 (https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1998523#h=20)
Recent doctrinal claim made most recently by The Watchtower.
The Governing Body is made up at the time of this writing, 8 anointed Jehovah’s witnesses. According to the Watchtower they are the faithful and discreet slave. The Watchtower says that they are not inspired.
“The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction. In fact, the Watch Tower Publications Index includes the heading “Beliefs Clarified,” which lists adjustments in our Scriptural understanding since 1870.”
W17 February pp. 23-28 p. 12 (https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2017283#h=23)
In the same article, in literally the next paragraph, they claim that holy spirit helps the Governing Body. Just like the previous claims of Holy Spirit delivering information through Jehovah’s earthly channel of communication.
“The holy spirit has helped the Governing Body to grasp Scriptural truths not previously understood.”
W17 February pp. 23-28 p. 13 (https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2017283#h=24)
Even stranger, in the next paragraph, The Watchtower claims that the angels assist The Governing Body with their work. So now we have the claim that the Governing Body is not inspired, yet they receive direction from Holy Spirit and are assisted by the angels. Remember earlier claims of information coming from God through his channel communications via Holy Spirit or from angels. These contradictions are astounding, especially so that they are all back to back in the same article.
“Evidence of angelic assistance. The Governing Body today has the colossal task of overseeing an international preaching work involving over eight million evangelizers. Why has that work been so successful? For one, angels are involved.”
W17 February pp. 23-28 p. 14 (https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2017283#h=25)
The Watchtower has consistently claimed to be inspired by God, providing information directly from Jehovah, and being the only source of information from Jehovah on earth – while at the exact same time saying that they are not inspired of God and are just men that can make mistakes. By doing this, they claim absolute authority (disobeying us is like disobeying God himself) and have cover when their prophetic claims prove to be untrue (See! We told you we are not inspired!).