Topics Started by SYN
Christmas Shopping
by Duncan indear all.
i'm a new chap here, one of the old h2o refugees who seem to have been streaming to this place recently.. englishman suggested i post my "christmas shopping" post as a kind of introductory-hi-and-how-are-you.
hope you like it, despite it not being terribly seasonal at the moment.. i'll look forward to posting here in the future (original stuff i mean, not just reheated "greatest hits" like this).
by nicolaou ini wondered if simon or some of you other 'techies' out there might be interested to know that the society's main domain reaches it's two year expiry on thursday 15th march.
(4 days (duh!)).
is it possible to take it from under their noses?
PEDOPHILES are to WTS as flies are to honey?
by Focus inw73 11/15 703-4 questions from readers ***.
do paul's words at 1 corinthians 6:1-7 mean that under no circumstances should a christian take to court a case involving a fellow believer?
-u.s.a. here paul was showing the corinthian christians the inconsistency of taking disputes between christians before secular tribunals.
I guess no one has kids then...
by Simon inthis forum is very quiet.. i guess all us with kids are kept too busy to post!.
we have two boys - liam (3) and dylan (1).
how about everyone else ?
JW preaching work to end in the 20th Century
by Scorpion inpage 12 of the january 1, 1989 wt magazine paragraph 8 ends with the statement that the apostle paul's missionary activity laid a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century.".
i take this as subtle prophecy that 'the end' will come by the year 2000 a.d., or should have come by now.. i find it interesting that the bound volume reprint has the wording changed to read, " a work that would be completed in our day.".
does anyone know why the change?
Am I reading this right?
by RedhorseWoman inthe latest wt questions from readers on blood.
fractions of all "primary" components are now allowed?.
is this saying that everything is allowed except when they're combined together?
Look for internet bashing at district assemblies.
by spectromize ini have no doubt in my mind that the society will bash the internet with a part at the district assemblies.
the reason i say this is because if you look at the worldwide reports there has been a decline in publishers in the more industrialized countries who have access to the internet.. some of the brothers and sisters are finding out the contradictions that we hold in regards to some of our teachings and the constant change of views on issues of voting, blood, donations, new light ect.... for example do any of you know that in bulgaria you will not be disfellowshipped if you take a blood transfusion.
yes that's right, you will not be disfellowshipped because the society signed a document with the european commission promising not to take sanctions against any of it's members if they choose to take blood, in exchange for legal status in that country.
I'm a Neutral Jehovah's Witness
by Martini indear brothers and sisters,.
i martini, will confide in you that i have become a neutral jehovah's witness.
i wonder if i'm not coining a new phrase here!.
Forum plans and policy
by Simon inin case anyone is wondering about our registration policy:.
i don't intend to turn people away who want to register and post or make ultra-strict registration procedures because i honestly don't think that they work.
if i were to ask for names of congregations or presiding overseers then i have no real way of checking if they are correct.