Funny how there are so much for and so many words provided by Jehovah and yet the bORG admits that not a single one is inspired.
Now explain how that's not duplicitous.
midway through the "congregation bible study" at this week's midweek meeting, a paragraph of the "god's kingdom rules" book stated as supposed evidence that "god's kingdom rules":.
"spiritual provisions flow to us like an ever-broadening and ever-deepening river.
our bible-based publications - as well as recordings and videos, our meetings and conventions, and the material published on our web site - together amount to an ongoing flood tide of spiritual sustenance... are you not thrilled to see the fulfillment of jehovah’s promises of abundance in your daily life?".
Funny how there are so much for and so many words provided by Jehovah and yet the bORG admits that not a single one is inspired.
Now explain how that's not duplicitous.
so yesterday was the midweek meeting - the first of the month for december so instead of locals doing the little talk skits we get the on screen shadow puppets.. after each one the ms taking the item asks the congregation for "positive" comments.. part way through i get a text from a pimo brother enduring the show which reads thus (and i quote word for word ...).
"it's like listening to a bunch of people from a mental institution.
Oh, so business as usual then?
Seriously though, those videos creep me out!
the life saving message of death and gloom brought to a town centre near to you!.
JWsd don't like the W part at all. Maybe that explains why they most often refer to themselves as Jehovah's people or Jehovah's organization.
If I were Jehovah, I'd be very upset at this cult of slackers that claim to be my witnesses. I might even send a prophet to get them on the right path. Perhaps that's the greatest proof of all that they are not God's people, "he" has never once corrected them on their nonsense.
Truely a non-prophet organization then.
changes coming to canada watchtower where congregations are involved.. i strongly suspect it has to do with the lawsuits and watchtower hiding the loot.. letters coming... wheres wifi bandit??
Any other details you can give lastman?
hey everyone.
i have a question and i hope i'm not confusing this with something else i heard.
while watching ex jw videos on youtube many of them talk about how noah's ark and the flood didn't happen and it's impossible.
I think Google can help you with articles and videos but it can't help you with reasoning.
Unfortunately, almost any objection could be met with an answer of 'but it was a miracle'
Also, some believe that the water is still here in the form of oceans and that the really big mountains and the depths of the oceans are a result of the immense stress created by the massive amounts of water on the ground.
You don't really need facts when you have your blinders on and this is one area where anything can be refuted on whatever grounds you wish - for or against a global flood.
Just my 2 cents
the jw lawyer clearly stated that disfellowshipping only applies to spiritual association, but everyday family contact is ok..
Incognito, its quite likely that the reason for the distinction is so that people don't try to play word games such as what you have put forward - Oh I didnt lie, I simply did not tell the WHOLE truth. Please see my example above.
This guy lied. By not qualifying his statement, it became a false statement. The fact that he knew it was false and was using it against his opponent (misleading the court) makes it a lie.
I know lawyers are not legally bound to be truthful but this guy lied and if he's a JW, he lied to the world about the bORG and should be D/F for that, especially now that it is somewhat infamous. But the 7 Kings already ruling from Kings Drive won't ever let that happen to their golden gooses.
well it's been awhile since i got angry and wanted to post on here again.
last week's watchtower about the subject of love had something to say about the hard working attendants.
it seems that they are choosing to sit in the best seats at the convention.
Pheobe, I like to call them the 'privileged class.'
but oh yeah we're all brothers' haha
i recently learned of the term "hanlon's razor".. wikipedia defines it as: .
hanlon's razor is an aphorism expressed in various ways including "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
" it recommends a way of eliminating unlikely explanations for a phenomenon (a philosophical razor).. so could it be said that this applies to the gb / society ?.
When you consider the various lies that have come out of various GB members as well as helpers (not to mention the GB approved publications), coupled with the many tactics and techniques of propaganda, brainwashing and control, the answer becomes obvious.
Stupidity does not adequately explain what's happening in the org.
"Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by a$$holism"
no early warnings or anything, just gone!
anyone else notice or are members there?
any info would be nice.
supernerd, it's ok, that bread stuff didn't make sense to me either! As far as I know, I'm not aspergerific
the jw lawyer clearly stated that disfellowshipping only applies to spiritual association, but everyday family contact is ok..
If I tell you something but I am actually thinking every other word to myself, am I lying or just omitting some truth?
Consider the following sentence
#1 Jehovah's Witnesses always lie about everything. You can't believe everything they say, ever.
Compare with what I REALLY was saying (bolded words are my own thought words, omitted from verbalization)
#2 Jehovah's Witnesses don't always lie about everything. You can't always believe everything they say.
Now, would I be a lying sack of spit if I were to contend that I didn't mean to mislead you, by telling you the first sentence, and saying that what I really meant was sentence #2?
That guy is a lying sack of spit if he's really a JW and should be D/F'd for lying about "Gods Organization™"
Omission of truth is no defense for lying.