Confused said
How do you base a whole multi million member organisation (that control peoples lives, to the point of having them die or breaking up families) if you don't even know the real name of your God?
Well, duh, because how can you be friends with someone without knowing and using their name? That's why JWs use the name. You should go to the local Kingdom Hall, maybe you would learn something!
Ok I was just kidding there, but more seriously... I don't remember the exact publication but I think it was an older (1950s maybe) OD book where they admitted that they prefer the form Yahweh but used the Jehovah form because it was so widely recognized.
I think that's a holdover from using the King James bible where the J form was used in PS 83:18
What's in a name anyway? A rose by any other name will still make you bleed; a god by any other name will still destroy you at the big A.. or was that the big Trib... Who can keep all that stuff straight anymore?