Jimmy D. I think it's great that you are not a mindless automaton!
Just know though that you should be DF for some of those things and you are really in dangerous territory for being here.
I won't address your beliefs here but the highly educated JWsi know personally either were not JWs when they got their education or they were not very good JWs at the time. They may be all gung-ho about things now that they have 6 figure incomes but let's be real, we all know they went Against what the "slave" (or is it slave-master?) said and still says about it.
I'm not judging them though, is good to have some folks that didn't do every single thing the way they were taught. Actually its good for the image of the organization too because some folks will point at you as an example of how normal "those JWs" are when in reality you are an anomaly.
Unfortunately some exjws are a bit over the top, it's true. But Jesus said to live and pray for your enemies. You don't know what they've been through or are going through.
Anyway James, welcome to the board. I think you'll find that most here also look forward to open discussions. Feel free to puruse the older posts for some perspective on things here.