I'm going to debunk the proofs of every single point from that PopSci article in just a few hours. PopSci is known for yellow journalism and its no different here.
Oh yeah, did I mention enough times that I'm not even a flat earther?
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
I'm going to debunk the proofs of every single point from that PopSci article in just a few hours. PopSci is known for yellow journalism and its no different here.
Oh yeah, did I mention enough times that I'm not even a flat earther?
growing up a woman in the cult was pretty bleak.
most of the adult women i knew were either depressed sad women or an embarrassment to me.
i was typical kid in that regard.
Im PIMO and do next to nothing in the bORG but this literally makes me want to start a bible study so I can take a sister with and have her conduct it with some kind of covering - Just to show outsiders how ridiculous things can be - I wonder if they will want to have another study session after that..
when i was 23 years old, i started dating a (jehovah’s) witness boy and we’d go out to some dance clubs.
there was a night in particular where i had too much to drink.
What throws salt on the wound though is when the victims try to deal with things in the organization.
Not her fault and if I was her brother or father - that boy would get a lesson he would never forget.
Been raped or abused (phys or sex)?
Step 1: Go directly to POLICE
Step 2: Get a LAWYER
Step 3: Refer questioning JWs to the lawyer - this includes elders and JCs
Here's a new-ish theory, probably only around since the 90s:
The shear number of Arrogant Anal Discharge Orifices (AADOs) on the internet are drastically increasing every day.
Cheers to those AADOs who made it their mission to post on this forum! /s
what does the evidence show?.
"...two distinguished scholars have tried to introduce a little reality into the debate about the world's trajectory.
swedish intellectual johan norberg and harvard university's steven pinker provide a persuasive antidote to the apocalyptical school of journalism.
By no means is this meant to be an affront to the OP or the researchers.
Part of the problem with statistics is that they can be used to prove almost any point you want to make.
I'm no doom-n-gloomer, in fact I don't care either way, but some of the stats in the OP really are awful, I'll elaborate below:
Two centuries ago, 94 per cent of people lived on $2 a day (in today's dollar value); today, only 10 per cent do.
2 centuries ago, the world population was about 1B, 94% of which would make it about 940M living on $2 in today's dollar value. 10% of today's population of ~7.5B would be ~750M. Now thats about ~200M difference, in a positive direction but it's not THAT big a difference considering the time gap. Whats also missing here is what percent is living on $3/day because if that was the other 90%, that would be bad. Also hidden in numbers can be improper methodologies, purposeful or not. In these specific numbers, they are a bit meaningless since $2 in one place is worth MUCH more than in another - and I'm not talking about exchange rates. I'm talking about cost of living. For example, the exchange rate across the U.S. is the same but a NICE 3 bedroom house usually is less than $100,000 in the country areas while it will run you a few more zeros at the end in the more expensive areas in California. So the guy making $50k/yr in the country areas is practically rich, but in Cali, he would be broke and probably sharing a residence with a roommate.
In the early 1980s, nine in 10 Chinese lived in extreme poverty; today, after more than three decades of market reforms, just one in 10 do."
Similar to above, even though the percentage change is great, the raw numbers are awful. Back in the early 80s, it was about 900,000,000 people in that category, many of whom would be dead now. Now it its about 412,000,000. The raw number is less than half the original but not as large a change as 9/10 -> 1/10 would suggest. And considering that we are talking 30+ years later - it could be better.
Unfortunately there are too many stats that are gathered/presented without giving the recipient enough information to fact check the results and make sure there is no bias.
There are lies.. Damn lies.. and Statistics!
moses spoke to the entire assembly deuteronomy 31:3, leviticus19:2 and exodus 16:9 no sound amplification, we must remember he was speaking to 2 million people.
solomon in 2 chronicles spoke to thousands maybe millions, so how the hell did folks a mile away hear..you need a sound system for 200 folks in a close building in the kh.... moses, solomon and others had a great set of vocal cords.....
maybe they sent snakes and asses out to preach their message to the assembly.
Why does that remind me of something..?
i was just thinking of an illustration that may apply.. what do we do if our computer operating system is corrupted?
perhaps through a virus, or because of outdated or corrupted technology?.
do we hang on to that computer because of sentimental reasons?
Seems your OS was corrupted before it left the factory. Definitely don't want to reinstall it!
1. the messiah said that three nights would be involved with his time in the "heart of the earth".. 2. there are some who believe that the crucifixion took place on the 6th day of the week with the resurrection taking place on the 1st day of the week.. 3. of those, there are some who believe that the "heart of the earth" is referring to the tomb.. 4. however, those two beliefs allow for only 2 nights to be involved.. 5. to account for the discrepancy, some of the above say that the messiah was using common figure of speech/colloquial language of the time, i.e., that it is was common to forecast or say that a day or a night would be involved with an event when no part of the day or no part of the night could occur.. 6. in order for someone to legitimately say that it was common, they would have to know of more that 1 example to make that assertion.. 6. for the purpose of this topic, i would like to ask if there are any 6th day of the week crucifixion advocates who think the messiah was employing common figure of speech/colloquial language of the period?.
Rstrats, are you looking at this as a smoking gun of discrepancy/error in the bible?
Cuz there is a sh!t load more, and more direct too, if that's the case.
moses spoke to the entire assembly deuteronomy 31:3, leviticus19:2 and exodus 16:9 no sound amplification, we must remember he was speaking to 2 million people.
solomon in 2 chronicles spoke to thousands maybe millions, so how the hell did folks a mile away hear..you need a sound system for 200 folks in a close building in the kh.... moses, solomon and others had a great set of vocal cords.....
Not sure what studies have been done in this area but maybe the acoustics in certain areas would be helpful? Of course it's possible that it just didn't happen at all.
Or maybe the assembly split up and took overlapping turns listening to the same message from the speakers until the composite assembly had heard the message.
Or data, to fit any kind of idea.
Hey Giles, does that mean his idea was science... fiction?
Speaking of science, I've got one for you:
I before E except after C