well all that challenger stuff is interesting. maybe quantum entaglement works for people too. haha
my fav FE vids are not the cgi models showing how it could function and answering most of the RE ppls questions but the ones where people stop being arm chair scientists and get off their butts and do some experiments. at least they are trying which is more than 100% of the name-callers here. those experiments dont go far enough and leave too much wiggle room imho.
and yeah NASA hasnt helped with their fake pics and fake vids. their reasoning is irrelevent, you dont copy/paste cloud formations all over an official satellite image, or enlarge contintents to take more of the globe, thats unjustifiable. and at least some of the onboard ISS videos are digitally modified (video equivalent of photoshop) and some have obviously been taken from a non-ISS location.
of course none of that means flat earth, and flat earth doesnt mean..God. FE could mean any number of things if it were true.