cofty by calling people names and refusing to honestly examine evidence, like back when they were JWs
Dont be a JW.
l have researched this subject and come to the conclusion that no we didn't.what do others think?.
cofty by calling people names and refusing to honestly examine evidence, like back when they were JWs
Dont be a JW.
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
well all that challenger stuff is interesting. maybe quantum entaglement works for people too. haha
my fav FE vids are not the cgi models showing how it could function and answering most of the RE ppls questions but the ones where people stop being arm chair scientists and get off their butts and do some experiments. at least they are trying which is more than 100% of the name-callers here. those experiments dont go far enough and leave too much wiggle room imho.
and yeah NASA hasnt helped with their fake pics and fake vids. their reasoning is irrelevent, you dont copy/paste cloud formations all over an official satellite image, or enlarge contintents to take more of the globe, thats unjustifiable. and at least some of the onboard ISS videos are digitally modified (video equivalent of photoshop) and some have obviously been taken from a non-ISS location.
of course none of that means flat earth, and flat earth doesnt mean..God. FE could mean any number of things if it were true.
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
But ttdtt, leprauchans most certainly are real, check it out in this youtube vid. (link below)
Sure, Trump might call that "fake news" but we know the truth!
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
on a serious note, does anyone have a reasonable explanation as to how the atmosphere doesnt simply get siphoned off into the vacuum of space? im not pushing any FE ideas or others, just wondering.
gravity doesnt seem to be a good explanation. i know theres a pressure gradient. near the surface, an air pressure gradient results in a wind blowing in the direction of lowest pressure as the high tries to equalize with the low. why not the same from the surface to space?
i suppose if earth were contantly generating the air around us at an equal rateto theexodus into space, that would work, no one has ever suggested this though that i know of, and seems a bit silly.
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
l have researched this subject and come to the conclusion that no we didn't.what do others think?.
occams razor would suggest that the moon and other sky lights are just lights. im not suggesting this but that would be simpler than everything that would have to happen for the entire universe to exist. even multiple international conspiracies would be simpler than a big bang, universal expansion, and all the rest that finally got us here billions of years later, thats extremely complex.
if occams razor were a real thing, you would have a lot of nicks and not a clean shave at all.
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
i would like to take this moment to congratulate jrjw for starting what must be one of the fastest growing threads in some time.
truely bringing us all together for support and (mis)understanding.
its too bad about all the name calling and high emmotions, this is not even an emmotional topic! at least we all got to know eachother a little better though, for better or for worse.
i bet she had no idea, the can of worms she was loosing on the forum.
my recent sidewalk discussion with a couple of jw's has gotten me in the mood to say more when the wife and i were riding in the car and cat stevens comes on.
i mentioned to her that cat stevens left music when he was still popular and converted to islam back in the 1970's- how he was told that his music would have to be morally acceptable and he found it easier to just abandon making new music for at least 20 years.
so i didn't really remember all the details and i figured the conversation would die.
Good job, you gave her the gift that keeps on giving, like the other comments noted.
"An idea is like a virus, resilient, highly contagious.
lots of spacy questions lately so i'll add mine here.
theres a video of one of the guys on the international space station doing some experiments with a few portable cd players, using them as gyroscopes when turned on.
it was interesting to see.
Whatshallicallmyself thats interesting. does this mean that the ISS doesnt orbit the earth but rather the earth is spinning beneath it? sounds fair but the iss is supposed to be moving much faster than earth. or does it move just about 700mph in opposition to the earths rotation, causing an relative speed of about 1700 mph? in that case, i would think the hypothetical gyro-box would wind up stuck to the walls and move around a bit as it resists the change in inertia/direction.
too bad theres no way to test it here, id like to see that.
for the request for links, i consider that a little lazy since i gave an exact saerch term but here
lots of spacy questions lately so i'll add mine here.
theres a video of one of the guys on the international space station doing some experiments with a few portable cd players, using them as gyroscopes when turned on.
it was interesting to see.
youtube, look for "iss experiment gyro" its right there (for me) theres also a few others with fire and such. this one is a bit olderthough, its just one guy. its not glam like the last few years of vids.