When you realize that an accidental plane crash involving every member of the G.B. would be a net gain for all of humanity.
JoinedPosts by MrRoboto
You Know You're Starting To Wake Up When...
by pale.emperor inyou start listening to music deemed "unsuitable for christians".
you pretend to knock on the doors.
you explain a jw teaching to someone and realize how ridiculous it sounds.
JWs and daily Bible reading schedule
by AuntBee injws often point to this, to show outsiders they are allowed to read the bible on their own without the publications.
although, as we know, the org still teaches that you will never progress along the road to life without the pubs.
and, i would imagine that what they learn/conclude from their own bible reading, must remain within the confines of current wt teaching, even on the most minute points of doctrine.
Daily bible reading was one of the things that helped me break mentally free!
I highly recommend reading the bible daily, especially the "Christian Greek scriptures"
Doing it daily helps you keep in mind what you recently read and thus you can't help but compare what you are reading and its implications to what you have been taught. After you break free from the mental shackles of WT, you start to see the all of the discrepancies in the bible itself and that's where you are truely set free.
Did the Jews invent themselves and Israel in response to Hellenism
by Crazyguy inafter alexander the great died a greek family called the ptolemy’s took over egypt and the area we call israel today.
they instituted a new form of god worship for their empire the worship of the king and a new god named serapis.
serapis was a combination of several egyptian and greeks gods combined into one god.
Maybe its like that episode of Star Trek where the captain finds himself in a Capone/gangster type of civilization. apparently they had found an old book from earth that described the times and ways of that era in gangland USA and they took to living that way.
The best part was when Kirk became the head gangster haha!
but yeah, maybe its something along those lines.
Out of the mouths of babes...
by pale.emperor inconversation with my 3yo this morning:.
me: hey, it's <friend in her nursery> birthday in a few days.
her: jehovah doesn't like birthdays.
wasanelderonce - funny thing about that is that they will actually blame you for not disobeying the "encouragement" (similar to how they blame the r&f for their 1975 fiasco)
I concur with your sentiments.
2 BOE's-2018-February-2 Circuit Overseer Names!
by Atlantis incorrespondence sent to branch office.
branch departments as recipients of correspondence.
cant view without downloading app, can u just make it a pdf on one of the free hosting services?
Praying in the name of Michael the archangel instead of Jesus
by krismalone injust wondering what would happen if a brother saying a prayer in a meeting did it in the name of michael the archangel instead of closing the prayer with "jesus christ".
since jw's believe michael is jesus would he be counseled?
what if a brother used the name michael the archangel in their public talks instead of jesus?
FedUpJW - good point, care to elaborate? ive been wondering for a while what exactly would happen if someone prayed using "yahweh" instead. have you seen it?
ive seen where one bro consistently prays to "our father" in "jesus name", no jehovah. doesnt seem like anyone noticed. he doesn't pray alot tho, maybe it would be more obvious if it was more often.
Session #8: "Bullet in the Head"
by Brian J inso at the phd today with my wife and me, and in slowly getting to the heart of matters (like peeling an onion if you ask me), the dialogue in part went like this: .
phd: if it came down to it, would you take a bullet in the head instead of giving up membership in your organization?
wife: absolutely, i would die for my faith.
the fact that she equated the org with her faith shows that the brainwashing is in full swing. maybe you can tear down that wall of equivalence one brick at a time.
something that may help is to bring up accounts in the bible that shes familiar with and ask questions about what it sounds like they mean. chose accounts that are usually twisted by the org but have a different and plain meaning when read in context. she may start to wonder why they teach it differently.
some good ones are:
the good samaritan account: remember that the question jesus was answering was "who really is my neighbor" and the neighbor turned out to be the person to helped the victim. in essence jesus was saying to love those who show love to you.
the last-coin widow: in context (read a little before this account) jesus is using her as an example of how the pharasees devour the houses of widdows
the one who has died has been aquitted of his sins: i think its in hebrews somewhere but this one is used to teach forgiveness at death but this scripture was an obvious metaphor if you read in context
666 in revelation: you could ask her how 3 sixes could represent something when the number 6 as used today was not invented until centuries after rev. was written, the number was in text format (lit. six hundred and sixty and six) and would not have conveyed the same sense (tripple 6)
theres alot more than those but most would probably set off alarm bells and shut her down.
if you want to get more advanced you could ask how jesus could have helped in creation (as john 1 clearly states he did -'without him was not any thing made that was made' ) if in isa. 44:24 it says "I am Jehovah, who made everything. I stretched out the heavens by myself, And I spread out the earth. Who was with me?"
careful with that one though, you might be accused of promoting the trinity or being an apostate.
Give Love to Receive Love ???
by IMHO inplease help me understand this.
over the years i have seen and have heard of many who have changed congregation due to the 'lack of love' shown in their own.
you then hear many condemning such ones as 'having a problem' and 'taking their problems with them'.
Having been a "one" who was going to change for the same reason (plus lots of other BS I won't go into) I can say that it seems that the cliques show "love" among themselves but not so much to others.
Thats why they arent supposed to have cliques but it happens anyway. There is very little real love in the bORG, consider yourself fortunate if you were able to experience it there.
you obviously are not an elder or immediate family thereof. they get alot of attention.
i stopped showing love when I realized the truth about this org and the deliberate lies and false teachings and cover ups.
try spending less time at a KH, your stress levels will go down.
Pillowgate - John Cedars
by CitizenofEarth inis this true?
is this really true?!.
"There can be porneia without skin to skin contact.."
WTF is wrong with these people?
a 2004 Watchtower study says that "Porneia includes such acts as oral sex, anal sex, and masturbating another person—conduct commonly associated with houses of prostitution. "
I suppose you could get creative and avoid skin touching like the plague while doing those, but they make it sound like you could accidentally do porneia w/o skin to skin.
I like how they never fully define the word though, only listing what it "includes" but not what it IS. I guess that way they can add stuff that they don't approve of later.
Anthony Morris Says That Tight Disgust His Imaginary Friend Jehovah
by Brokeback Watchtower intitus 1:15,16.
15 all things are clean to clean people;o but to those who are defiled and faithless, nothing is clean, for both their minds and their consciences are defiled.p
16 they publicly declare that they know god, but they disown him by their works,q because they are detestable and disobedient and not approved for good work of any sort..
That only covers about 75% of the ppl at the hall I sometimes attend. Anyone else notice something similar?