Yeah now my schedule matches Jehovah's - "One day is as a thousand years"
I read mine daily : )
jws often point to this, to show outsiders they are allowed to read the bible on their own without the publications.
although, as we know, the org still teaches that you will never progress along the road to life without the pubs.
and, i would imagine that what they learn/conclude from their own bible reading, must remain within the confines of current wt teaching, even on the most minute points of doctrine.
Yeah now my schedule matches Jehovah's - "One day is as a thousand years"
I read mine daily : )
can anyone tell me when, and why jehovahs witnesses hold evening gala,s / ball with full tuxedo,s and evening gowns ?
is it uk only as i have heard family throughout the uk attend these events (jw only) of course !.
what is the purpose of these events and how long have the dubs being doing so ?
Been to a few similar get togethers here in US and can confirm that it seems primarily for expanding the dating pool but you get the occasional couple who just want to do something new. Good way to make new JW friends if you're into that sort of thing..
I also remember being suspicious when elders showed up, taking video of everyone in the room.... Hmmm... Or maybe it was just so they had something to look at when they got home, the girls were usually dressed up very nicely (and tightly, and not always entirely modestly)
i had a deep conversation with my elder father today about the bible.
first i talked to him about luke 16:19-31. the one where jesus makes this crazy illustration regarding the afterlife.
of course he had to look it up on the watchtower library to be spoon fed his beliefs.
Dunedain - I've got a little more logic for you...
God knows everything and yet we need his son, who has been tested and knows what it's like to be human and to be tempted etc, to plead for us. Cuz, you know... Good doesn't know... Can't see what we go through or isn't very empathetic..?
According to Psalms 103:13,14 - Jah has compassion for us, knowing we are made from dust (I.e. inherently weak) and yet your weakness is your fault. (ok, turns out he's sorta empathetic.. but it's your fault still)
God so loved the world that... friendship with the world is enmity with god..
Your eternal life/destruction depends on you believing in a book that could be divinely inspired or just as easily been written as a tool of control and oppression, written before you were born where all the witnesses have been long dead and the important parts are not verifiable - I.e. you have to have blind belief about it all or you die for forever. Now that's love!
And I guess those inconsistencies in the bible are just there to test your faith...? How many angels at Jesus tomb again? And did the girls go and tell everyone...? Or was it that they told noone out of fear?
Oh, and lets put a tree in the garden for absolutely no reason... Then we'll tell the humans not to eat of it.... WTF is the point?
He is our potter, we are the clay and the clay cannot resist the potter yet we are supposed to put forth effort to be molded by him but if he moulds us into a vessel of dishonor, is our fault.
I could go on... and on.. and on...
i had a deep conversation with my elder father today about the bible.
first i talked to him about luke 16:19-31. the one where jesus makes this crazy illustration regarding the afterlife.
of course he had to look it up on the watchtower library to be spoon fed his beliefs.
I have had mild success in waking up another (family member) using questions to draw them out more. You have to be careful not to get then to the point of shutting down though.
How you went about it seems like you were able to plant seeds... You could show him the whole line of kings, working forward in time, showing how long they ruled and show how the time line doesn't match 607...
You can use ONLY JW material for this, as their times line up with secular times (number of years ruling does, but the actual dates/years are diff) someone posted the whole time line w/ organizational references here a while back (less than a year ago I think ) alot is in the insight books, you may need to find some old WTs and KMs too though
That being said, walking someone up and getting then to want to leave are 2 very different things.. The first may be easy if done right and by the right person (close family may be ok, but a friend from the hall may not be) but the second may be impossible depending on circumstances and personality of the newly awakened
hi eveyone, my sis told me something like where will i be after that day.
i couldnt realize at first what she meant, but i found this on net donald-trump-kim-jong-un-meeting-singapore-june-12/.
i found her reaction so pathetic, but i think she is really sorry for me leaving.. so how to do you reply to jw family or generally when news about world peace comes out?.
Last man standing, you make some great points there,I might have to share some of those..
Sour Grapes - I can't wait till the big A comes so that me and my friends can have YOUR house.... Boo-ya! Can't wait till the sweet and sour stench of nearly 8 billion corpses fills the air... Ahhh... Paradise.
Yeah that's not F'd up at all... Crazy religious people.. (the non-crazy ones are ok by me)
for example, "and god said, let there be light: and there was light.
"a personal and vocal god said, "let there be light.
"so god saw the light, and thought it good, but how did the priestly scribe know that he did?
Im a believer so I'll answer.. Oh you mean... Well, I'll answer anyways. Most of what people "know" is just belief... usually very strongly held beliefs that were hammered into them for many years. Their beliefs may be right, or wrong, either way, they just "know".
For example, religion, or 1492, or planetary shapes just to name a few.
Lets face it, you can believe the words and thoughts of others but until you fully experience it yourself, you really can't know, even if you "know".
Maybe not what you were looking for but hey, what do I know?
it’s been a while since i posted, but for those who remember, i came on here to get some information about jehovah’s witnesses because i have a nephew who was getting engaged to a girl who was a jehovah’s witness and, along with some other sites, i was recommended this one.. since then we’ve been busy with passover and jehovah’s witnesses have had something they call the memorial of christ’s death (i believe i have that right).
this clashing of the two observances apparently did more for this girl than anything else i ever saw in our months of conversations with her.. respectfully, jews do not proselytize.
these are people who, of their own desire, “join the tribe” after some years of study and practice--something this girl has just begun to do.
Reminds me of David Jay.. Too bad it seems like both are gone,I thought their views were rather interesting and would have liked to asked some questions...
By the way, for the comments as to how long it takes to become a JW, it can be done with fresh meat in as little as 6 months, just have to time the study start and the baptisms correctly... I think we should strive for as few baptisms as possible however.
you start listening to music deemed "unsuitable for christians".
you pretend to knock on the doors.
you explain a jw teaching to someone and realize how ridiculous it sounds.
When you realize that an accidental plane crash involving every member of the G.B. would be a net gain for all of humanity.
jws often point to this, to show outsiders they are allowed to read the bible on their own without the publications.
although, as we know, the org still teaches that you will never progress along the road to life without the pubs.
and, i would imagine that what they learn/conclude from their own bible reading, must remain within the confines of current wt teaching, even on the most minute points of doctrine.
Daily bible reading was one of the things that helped me break mentally free!
I highly recommend reading the bible daily, especially the "Christian Greek scriptures"
Doing it daily helps you keep in mind what you recently read and thus you can't help but compare what you are reading and its implications to what you have been taught. After you break free from the mental shackles of WT, you start to see the all of the discrepancies in the bible itself and that's where you are truely set free.
after alexander the great died a greek family called the ptolemy’s took over egypt and the area we call israel today.
they instituted a new form of god worship for their empire the worship of the king and a new god named serapis.
serapis was a combination of several egyptian and greeks gods combined into one god.
Maybe its like that episode of Star Trek where the captain finds himself in a Capone/gangster type of civilization. apparently they had found an old book from earth that described the times and ways of that era in gangland USA and they took to living that way.
The best part was when Kirk became the head gangster haha!
but yeah, maybe its something along those lines.