Nicoloau, atheism can certainly be a religion, I'm not sure I would call it "theology" though.
A-theism is w/o god(s) which really means that a person believes there is no god. an agnostic is admitting that they have no knowledge of god(s) but without specifically saying they know there is no god. See the difference?
The one claiming knowledge of things that they cannot personally verify is practicing a religion complete with belief systems and all, whereas someone claiming not to know things they could not know is simply being honest.
Lets be honest, atheism is a religion as much as Christianity and there's even that sort of self-righteous attitude that can creep into atheists just like other religions.
If you've read any of my other posts, you'll know that I'm not coming from a place of judgement or pro-god or pro-bible so please don't take my words here the wrong way. Lets all just be honest is all I'm saying.