Absolutely - and the bORG knows this so yes this is dishonesty although usually it it put in the format of "..have always pointed to 1914 as an important year" or some such vagueness so Im surprised to see the one you pointed out (i havent looked yet but Im sure you're right about it's blatantness)
Also, yes, the bORG uses equivocation almost every time it discusses the past beliefs or teachings.
One last point though, the statement in question may actually be true - "Jehovah's Witnesses" have always pointed to year 1914 as the beginning of the last days - if you dont count the IBSA and whatever other names they went by in pre "J.W." times. When was it, 1935 I think, that they took the J.W. name so by then (I could be mistaken..?) they would have already revised the 1914 teaching... (?)
cant look it up now but seems that way to me. That would still be equivocation though.