Rstrats, are you looking at this as a smoking gun of discrepancy/error in the bible?
Cuz there is a sh!t load more, and more direct too, if that's the case.
1. the messiah said that three nights would be involved with his time in the "heart of the earth".. 2. there are some who believe that the crucifixion took place on the 6th day of the week with the resurrection taking place on the 1st day of the week.. 3. of those, there are some who believe that the "heart of the earth" is referring to the tomb.. 4. however, those two beliefs allow for only 2 nights to be involved.. 5. to account for the discrepancy, some of the above say that the messiah was using common figure of speech/colloquial language of the time, i.e., that it is was common to forecast or say that a day or a night would be involved with an event when no part of the day or no part of the night could occur.. 6. in order for someone to legitimately say that it was common, they would have to know of more that 1 example to make that assertion.. 6. for the purpose of this topic, i would like to ask if there are any 6th day of the week crucifixion advocates who think the messiah was employing common figure of speech/colloquial language of the period?.
Rstrats, are you looking at this as a smoking gun of discrepancy/error in the bible?
Cuz there is a sh!t load more, and more direct too, if that's the case.
moses spoke to the entire assembly deuteronomy 31:3, leviticus19:2 and exodus 16:9 no sound amplification, we must remember he was speaking to 2 million people.
solomon in 2 chronicles spoke to thousands maybe millions, so how the hell did folks a mile away need a sound system for 200 folks in a close building in the kh.... moses, solomon and others had a great set of vocal cords.....
Not sure what studies have been done in this area but maybe the acoustics in certain areas would be helpful? Of course it's possible that it just didn't happen at all.
Or maybe the assembly split up and took overlapping turns listening to the same message from the speakers until the composite assembly had heard the message.
Or data, to fit any kind of idea.
Hey Giles, does that mean his idea was science... fiction?
Speaking of science, I've got one for you:
I before E except after C
Very nice, too bad the state of science today leaves alot to be desired, what with all their plagiarism, corporate interests, government interests and self interest/ego.
As Max Planck said "A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it"
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
Maybe you forgot that I mentioned repeatedly that I am not a flat earther?
I didn't take that specific statement personally but it is a personal attack on flat earthers.
on a flat earth that distance remains constant, because "on a clear day you can see forever"
Actually, on a flat plane you cannot "see forever" but your horizon is the same as on a round earth of the size commonly put forward. Complete with increasing height making the horizon farther away. However, when you use high-zoom cameras in real life, it turns out that you can bypass the horizon limitation and view objects that were previously "under the horizon". Experiment trumps theory but again the data is subject to interpretation and again, some see this to mean F.E. and some see mirages as the answer but I say their eyes are still closed. Too many people think it's round vs flat, us vs them when any truth seekers should not get stuck at that point and should be looking at the bigger picture.
I like your 4d small ball idea, probably referring to the big bang?
If so,I have no problem with that but having a 1st cause being something like that, where its almost as though someone flipped a switch to turn the universe on should be an attention getter. If true, then that would say a whole lot more about our universe and earth but I'll leave that to your imagination.
For your persistent low tensile strength molten materials on a flat plane I will simply ask you to look at any swimming pool or lake, on such small scale they would work just fine for what you are talking about since at small scales the earth is for all practical purposes flat, or you could say "flat enough". Once you have seen that, please let me know if gravity has allowed them to exist and persist.
I won't address the miracle statement of yours except to say that you can't prove the motions of the earth without actually going very far away from it and watching it. Or to put it another way, when you measure the movement of the earth, there is no measurable movement. Not rotationally, not orbitally, nothing. And the common man has not the abilities to go far enough away for direct observation of motion, you have to simply trust your governments for that.
I understand some people don't like these ideas but instead of scoffing at them, as a pimi does when "apostates" try to break through their mental wall, how bout we do some research of our own, and not one sided as has been the case thus far.
Or maybe it doesn't matter about size/shape/motion of the earth, it really doesn't matter for most people so lets kick the ego to the curb and stop insulting eachother.
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
Wow can we refrain from the personal attacks and maybe try doing a little research ourselves? Looking at you JP1692.
No outrageous claims, simply some you have not considered before, and that's ok.
I have led you to the water but I can't make you drink. The best evidence is that which you have found on your own, that's why I said:
This is simply and easily proven if you take the time to examine official imagery and have a critical eye and open mind to see what your eyes are telling you.
i was baptized 30 years ago and have been in the faith for over 35 years.. our organization isn't perfect.
but i'm sick to death of seeing stereotypes about us.
we are not mindless automatons.
Jimmy D. I think it's great that you are not a mindless automaton!
Just know though that you should be DF for some of those things and you are really in dangerous territory for being here.
I won't address your beliefs here but the highly educated JWsi know personally either were not JWs when they got their education or they were not very good JWs at the time. They may be all gung-ho about things now that they have 6 figure incomes but let's be real, we all know they went Against what the "slave" (or is it slave-master?) said and still says about it.
I'm not judging them though, is good to have some folks that didn't do every single thing the way they were taught. Actually its good for the image of the organization too because some folks will point at you as an example of how normal "those JWs" are when in reality you are an anomaly.
Unfortunately some exjws are a bit over the top, it's true. But Jesus said to live and pray for your enemies. You don't know what they've been through or are going through.
Anyway James, welcome to the board. I think you'll find that most here also look forward to open discussions. Feel free to puruse the older posts for some perspective on things here.
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
Waton- yes more us vs them, exactly what we need - let the name calling begin!
If you are talking about Eratosthenes, his measurements are just measurements. What they mean is a matter of mindset. If you are a rounder, it means the earth is about 250,000 stadia in circumference. Conversely though, to a flat earther, it means that the sun was at a particular distance away from one point that was measured, and a different distance from the other point giving a close sun and flat earth. You can't prove either POV from just the measurements.
Its bad science to draw one conclusion from measurements that have more than one interpretation. Eratosthenes did this. Many today do this but it's still bad science.
Add it to your supporting evidence of you must but it's not proof. Not for either side.
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
NASA releases faked imagery from time to time, as do other space agencies. This is simply and easily proven if you take the time to examine official imagery and have a critical eye and open mind to see what your eyes are telling you. That doesn't make it flat or not, doesn't support either position but yes your governments (gasp!) lie to you.
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
Waton- actually that's the kind of misinformation I was referring to. Even if well intentioned, it's wrong. Given sufficient distance on a flat plane, you have the same effect with the horizon. In fact, almost all math works the same when you are just one observer on/near the surface (near meaning not in space)
I'm not a flat earth proponent, as I have mentioned, but bad science doesn't help anyone.
The question is though, who cares? Rounders think Flatters are stupid, Flatters thing Rounders are deceived, but aside from ego issues, who really cares? We navigate by flat earth models on land, sea and air, we build according to flat earth models, and so much more but really if you are not doing that, and the model you use for what you're doing works, what's the difference?
The world could use a little less US vs THEM.