DJS - I'm not going to debunk the satellites, professionals astronauts or weather balloons. What I'm going to do is refute the things that people say they can use to prove a round earth. Sounds funny right - but you cant use satellites to prove anything - YOU cant. Have you built one, launched one, seen it in operation? No. So the common person can't actually use those things. That's not in your realm of knowledge and experience. Even those who work with such things don't actually see them in action. That's all just assumption on our part that they do what/where we have been told.
Trusting what we have been told because those in authority told us so... well if that's where your low bar of evidence is, then I suggest you go back to Watchtower and the 7 Kings.
Waton, I don't insinuate that I can prove their claims. What I have explicitly said is that I will debunk PopSci's bogus "10 ways YOU CAN PROVE earth is round" because YOU can't PROVE that with what they gave. Also, I welcome your "absolutely right arguments, proofs" but all I've seen so far is the same ole garbage "science."
Don't worry, It's coming.
But for whatever your belief system is, Admiral Byrd really has some interesting things to say about Antarctica - you should definitely have a go at his interviews. Don't worry, he doesn't promote a certain shape/view but he has some amazing observations that most of us never knew about.