the fact that she equated the org with her faith shows that the brainwashing is in full swing. maybe you can tear down that wall of equivalence one brick at a time.
something that may help is to bring up accounts in the bible that shes familiar with and ask questions about what it sounds like they mean. chose accounts that are usually twisted by the org but have a different and plain meaning when read in context. she may start to wonder why they teach it differently.
some good ones are:
the good samaritan account: remember that the question jesus was answering was "who really is my neighbor" and the neighbor turned out to be the person to helped the victim. in essence jesus was saying to love those who show love to you.
the last-coin widow: in context (read a little before this account) jesus is using her as an example of how the pharasees devour the houses of widdows
the one who has died has been aquitted of his sins: i think its in hebrews somewhere but this one is used to teach forgiveness at death but this scripture was an obvious metaphor if you read in context
666 in revelation: you could ask her how 3 sixes could represent something when the number 6 as used today was not invented until centuries after rev. was written, the number was in text format (lit. six hundred and sixty and six) and would not have conveyed the same sense (tripple 6)
theres alot more than those but most would probably set off alarm bells and shut her down.
if you want to get more advanced you could ask how jesus could have helped in creation (as john 1 clearly states he did -'without him was not any thing made that was made' ) if in isa. 44:24 it says "I am Jehovah, who made everything. I stretched out the heavens by myself, And I spread out the earth. Who was with me?"
careful with that one though, you might be accused of promoting the trinity or being an apostate.