I guess they were right about one thing, this good news really is making its way around the world!
JoinedPosts by MrRoboto
To all Australian Elders,C.O's ect...Be warned!!!
by karter inafter the conviction of arch bishop phillip wilson for concealing sex abuse in the church and cardinal pell"s trial getting underway.. this leaves it wide open for the victims to seek redress.. if you are taken to court expect the wts to through you under a bus and wipe their hands of any blame.. if you think putting your assets in a trust or transfering them into your wife,childrens name...to late any lawyer will argue you only did that to stop any victim seeking redress.. i think the victims will all ready be contemplating their course of action and don't be surprised if court action is not far away.. karter..
Yes the WTBTS wrote this stuff
by Giordano inthis was posted about two years ago.
we have a lot of newbies who deserve to know what the society actually printed.. yes really.
after meticulous research here are the documented scientific pronouncements from the wtbt$.. note: the golden age became the awake magazine.. the reference twtp is the way to paradise a 1924 book by w. e. van amburgh, who was the secretary/treasurer of the watchtower bible & tract society for 43 years.
Hey if you haven't tried bobbing up and down naked then how do you know that it won't prevent colds ?
Anyone want to try a 6 month long experiment?
At the very least you will get some LOLs haha!
Bill Nye vs Ken Ham debate
by Whynot indid anyone else watch the bill nye versus ken ham debate?
it happened february 4, 2014 and just watched it a few months ago.
i thought it was interesting but must confess that i felt extremely embarrassed for ken ham.
for those who missed it:
His religion is called scientism and in scientism all beliefs are beyond question until officially revised. Where have we heard of this type of belief system before? You are free to practice whatever religion you want but be honest and call it what it is.
Bill Nye vs Ken Ham debate
by Whynot indid anyone else watch the bill nye versus ken ham debate?
it happened february 4, 2014 and just watched it a few months ago.
i thought it was interesting but must confess that i felt extremely embarrassed for ken ham.
Bill Nye is an incredibly honest and open individual. Instead of having a religion where claims are made without evidence...
Are you some sort of Bill Nye support bot or what? Maybe you didn't see my points 1-3 above? Would you like video evidence? If I have the time I will post a link to a fan-boi busting video.
His religion is called scientism and in scientism all beliefs are beyond question until officially revised. Where have we heard of this type of belief system before? You are free to prentice whatever religion you want but be honest and call it what it is.
Bill Nye vs Ken Ham debate
by Whynot indid anyone else watch the bill nye versus ken ham debate?
it happened february 4, 2014 and just watched it a few months ago.
i thought it was interesting but must confess that i felt extremely embarrassed for ken ham.
Coded logic - I would agree with evidence based intellectual honesty and rigor being something we need but I've seen Bill Nye do otherwise and be intellectually dishonest while at the same time telling a blatant science lie. As I said, I'm not referring to fundamentalist religious ideology.
I would say that Nye would on the surface appear to be more intellectually honest than Ham, but that really is a meaningless distinction when:
1. You are comparing against someone like Ham
2. 'Science' has become your religion
3. You are willing to lie to promote your religion
Aside from that I'm a bit surprised that Nye took on Ham in public but then again you really have to have an inflated ego to do those things, on both sides.
Ham's ark is a joke, too bad a representative of science, if you can call Nye that after his other nonsense, was sucked unto that world and inadvertently helping raise tons of support and money for it.
Bill Nye vs Ken Ham debate
by Whynot indid anyone else watch the bill nye versus ken ham debate?
it happened february 4, 2014 and just watched it a few months ago.
i thought it was interesting but must confess that i felt extremely embarrassed for ken ham.
Code logic, I'm not a hater but the only reason I don't like Bill Nye is because of his asshattery as specified in my previous comment - that is to say intentional deception and lying. He also has a bad attitude towards people who don't agree with him. Unless you are willing to say that he's just going senile, in which case I feel bad for him.
Its sad to see public science figures lie about science and look down on people who don't agree with everything they say. That's not science, that's cult behavior. Neil does it too. I wonder if Einstein was like that... I doubt it though.
And I'm not talking about pollution or climate change or god etc.
JW Dogma Analysis For Lurkers & Faders to Consider
by The Fall Guy inthis post is necessarily lengthy, but my hope is that these 14 examples of wtbts dogma will be examined closely by those who either have something to gain by doing so, or those who can provide "new light" for any of the topics.. "however, you may say in your heart: “how will we know that jehovah has not spoken the word?” when the prophet speaks in the name of jehovah and the word is not....true, then jehovah did not speak that word.
you should not fear him.
" [the prophet] (deuteronomy 18:21-22) .
Oh looks like someone took all that "read the bible daily" stuff to heart.
Reminds me of when I was first waking up...
Thanks for sharing!
I wonder what would happen if this were printed up, sans the commentary just so none claims apostate ideas there, and left under each chair at jw meetings.. Or posted on the information board.
Universal sovereignty on trial
by Factfulness ini just had a thought of clarity regarding the jw explanation for this doctrine.
they explain that satan challenged god regarding his right to rule.
god failed to prove his right to rule.
Nic. Generally I would agree with your definition if it was culturally relevant but it's not for those here. For those growing up where belief or ideas about deities is rare, sure then the person may never have even thought of a creator or deity in which case their being "without god" would simply be a natural state of being rather than a system of belief or even agnostic.
A lack of belief is not the same as belief of lack. atheist != agnostic.
Your getting upset about what you Believe is a false claim is a good piece of evidence.
Reading your first post on the old thread, I will disagree with your definition for reasons stated above as well as empirical evidence that by and large those identifying as atheists hold the positive belief that god does not exist rather than not holding a positive belief that god exists. And many of those atheists are quite vocal about their positive belief and how stupid religious people are.
Disagree? Tell it to the self proclaimed atheists who give your non positive belief holding self a bad rap then.
I have no stake in it and am emotionally detached from the issue so I'm just calling it as I see it.
Incidentally, there are quite a few good comments in that thread that indicate that your hardline definitions are too restrictive and force people to choose a side that really is not relevant for them nor reflective of their views. I recommend going back and reading them again.
Leaked videos - Why?
by NewYork44M inthank you to those that have passed on "leaked" videos.
one point that i have not seen discussed is "why" apostates are getting these videos.. are videos getting out because of a lack of internal controls, or are there more than a few disloyal insiders that are more than happy to pass on inside information.
or, is there a strategic intent of releasing leaked videos?.
Fey dehr, your CO story begs the question...
How the heck did that come up in conversation w/o either of you being too worried that one would rat out the other?
Got any tips for approaching a potentially helpful CO?
LEAK: Circuit Overseer Guidelines (130 pages)
by Fay Dehr inhttps://1drv.ms/b/s!amcrvjcxi6m6gqzsthqdnca1bvxr.
Broke back, just curious - what made you so special as to have 5 guys at the first one instead of the usual 3?