"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I don't see the limitation for Militia only.
What I read is the right "to KEEP and bear arms". The comma is intentional. If only for the purpose of militia there's be no need to KEEP the arms correc? There are two parts here. Yes a militia is needed. A way for common citizens to ban together to be trained for the purpose of defending against a rogue government.
The second part is to KEEP these arms. Why does it say that? It's because Britain was preventing not only the banding together and training of the militia but also the right to keep the weapons in the first place. You can't train without the weapons! It was written this way for very specific reasons.
So no the 2nd amendment is not limited to just the first part of the sentence.
I'm no historian but it is clear the Euros were greedy. They oppressed people with taxes in lands they were providing zero services for that tax. They came up with every possible scenario to keep the colonies from being able to fight back and defend themselves from the oppression. Kinda reminds me of the Watchtower and its summarily dismissing those that speak the truth as a means to silence them. All kidding aside it is the same principle.
Americans had enough of this chicanery and learned a hard lesson. The 2nd amendment is about not letting that happen again.
If gun prohibition yielded safer states I could see an argument here, however the facts are it is the exact opposite as I've pointed out.
Bottom line just because nut cases exist in the world doesn't mean I don't have the right to protect myself and my family.