JoinedPosts by Hadriel
Proof God Does NOT Exist
by Hadriel ino.k.
here's just a little fun, you guys can run with it.. if god existed would he allow the whacktower to be in business?
just sayin... lol.
@Crazy fair point. On a more personal level something that concerns me is with the 4000 plus religions in the world people are expected to find the right one. Rather tough task. -
Going Back To Meeting Tomorrow
by Hadriel ini'm returning to jehovah tomorrow night.
but yeah i'm going to the meeting to put in my token visit as part of my fade.
even if you don't believe in god pray that i can keep my mouth shut for a couple of hours because it's going to be awfully hard to do so.. before i woke i was quite involved, commented a ton, personable.
I'm returning to Jehovah tomorrow night. NOT!
But yeah I'm going to the meeting to put in my token visit as part of my fade. Even if you don't believe in God pray that I can keep my mouth shut for a couple of hours because it's going to be awfully hard to do so.
Before I woke I was quite involved, commented a ton, personable. I haven't been in a while now so this should be interesting.
If it wouldn't out me I'd record it and document the love bombing which I'm sure is about to commence.
Proof God Does NOT Exist
by Hadriel ino.k.
here's just a little fun, you guys can run with it.. if god existed would he allow the whacktower to be in business?
just sayin... lol.
O.K. here's just a little fun, you guys can run with it.
If God existed would he allow the Whacktower to be in business? Just sayin... lol
Korean News : CoC in Korean
by AntiEntropy inhi bros.. after my father's publishing his book, "15 questions after 40 years of jw" , many ex-jw bros in korea became motivated to rush to the coc korean project.
however any secular project needs a fund eventhough it's a not-for-profit.
fortunately, a bunch of bros decided to donate generously $300~$7,000 to this unprofitable business.
Nope! Not a penny. Just trying to help prevent people from stealing from her.
Hadriel you are boring
Yeah I don't frequent many sex fetish shops like you - http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5678515349356544/watchtower-finally-useful-fettish-prop
Korean News : CoC in Korean
by AntiEntropy inhi bros.. after my father's publishing his book, "15 questions after 40 years of jw" , many ex-jw bros in korea became motivated to rush to the coc korean project.
however any secular project needs a fund eventhough it's a not-for-profit.
fortunately, a bunch of bros decided to donate generously $300~$7,000 to this unprofitable business.
@Listener - dead serious I wish I was. For months I've seen ppl exclaim I could have this up on Amazon overnight.
To be fair there is truth in that if you exclude all the other ancillary things that are going on for the global picture. But absolutely everyone acts as though it is a drop in the bucket.
Not at liberty to nor is it my place to reveal all the goings on (nothing earth shattering so don't read into it) but there's a bunch in play her. She works on it literally daily and has done so for months.
The thing is it is curious how many posture this as a money grab or whatever but if that was the case don't you think she would have just thrown whatever out there to start collecting revenue?
The fact she hasn't should at least give you pause to realize there's more going on here.
Today the two elders did not appear to declare at prosecutor's citation
by opusdei1972 intoday the two elders who stalked my sister were absent at the prosecutor's citation.
they were waited for 1 hour, but they did not come.
this attitude favors their culpability.
@Wild_Thing as of 2012 yes.
Under WT rules, can JW women file for a divorce? Or can only men file?
by JimmyPage inthe reason i ask is because while watching the "dateline" episode about ralph candelario, the claim was made that only jw men could file for divorce, not women.
i had never thought about this before.. also, how does this apply in cases where a husband is "apostate" while the wife is faithful to wt?
Extreme physical abuse.
This one always gets me. So if he slaps you sorry you have to go back until he gets really pissed and stabs you with a steak knife.
Honestly I don't even care if one of the two are lying if you get to this place better to be safe than sorry.
The organization here is determining how serious the abuse is and whether it will escalate etc.
Talk about seriously dangerous and overstepping.
P.S. watch my mom get her teeth knocked out so yeah I'm against this policy SMH.
Evolution: The Deal Breaker
by Hadriel infirst off i do believe there are some evidences of evolution or i should probably say adaptation.
i do believe this exists in various forms.. however the deal breaker for me with evolution is the chick or egg problem.
there are tons of theories that get passed around as proof of evolution however these are usually examples much further down the evolutionary chain.. what i mean is let's start at the beginning!
Again let me be clear this isn't an Evolution vs. Creator thing for me.
in my mind it can't even be a viable option to contemplate without making sense of the early composition of life and how it came to be ordered.
More specifically, if Evolution is the only solution, I'm not sure at least in my lifetime, if we'll ever know the catalyst the driver, whatever it was that kicked it off and caused proteins to chain ultimately forming life.
Evolution: The Deal Breaker
by Hadriel infirst off i do believe there are some evidences of evolution or i should probably say adaptation.
i do believe this exists in various forms.. however the deal breaker for me with evolution is the chick or egg problem.
there are tons of theories that get passed around as proof of evolution however these are usually examples much further down the evolutionary chain.. what i mean is let's start at the beginning!
yet that same someone will accept that a "creator" did the exact same thing or was just always there, well that person needs to start over in their thinking
I never mentioned God in my post not even inferred it. Granted there may be some implication but only because it is the Yang to Evolution's Ying. It's the opposite hence it's assumed.
Anyway you're making an assumption there as it has nothing to do with that for me. It has to do with the viability of early life theories. It's about whether I can even consider it as a viable theory.
As I indicated earlier it is a far stretch for me that RNA magically offloaded its enzymatic functions. I must admit it is possible that RNA and DNA developed in tandem but I personally can't support the above as the model is quite complex as to the science of the matter.
I don't buy the argument that evidence of life evolving or kickstarting as it did from the time of the primordial soup won't be "in our lifetime". Why not? The components are still here since they are needed for life in the first place.
Where I have trouble is that we can't see it because it is slow and happened long ago. Well am I to believe that all the evolutionary chains all started at the same time so they are in a phase that isn't visible today? You mean none started 1 billion years ago, 100 million ago, 1 million ago. Stands to reason since it is happenstance there would be different events as such that they'd be staggered so some would be evident. Some half man half hominid or half amphibian half something else.
Korean News : CoC in Korean
by AntiEntropy inhi bros.. after my father's publishing his book, "15 questions after 40 years of jw" , many ex-jw bros in korea became motivated to rush to the coc korean project.
however any secular project needs a fund eventhough it's a not-for-profit.
fortunately, a bunch of bros decided to donate generously $300~$7,000 to this unprofitable business.
@listener of course it will be readily available and in more form factors than previous. As to price I imagine it will follow suit to what's been done in the past.
I get the sense from a lot of people "it better be cheap". Ray was vehemently against it being free.
Open invitation if you can translate COC into the needed langs with the 2008 updates, ready the artwork, secure a publisher and have it ready in all form factors needed in 24 I'll write you a 1000.00 check.
I don't see much reasonability here. Ultimately none of our opinions matter. She is organizing it as she sees fit, which is her right to do so and Ray's wife's wishes by the way.
Could an out of date version be put up sure is that what the CPH wants to do? No. She wants it current and organized. There was no control with publishers all over taking liberties they had no right to do.
Poor translations I've inspected myself. Bootlegs by people you name it.
The fact that some here expect all this to be sorted out correctly and legally in 24 hours baffles me. Just isn't that easy.