This is what it sounds like when dubs cry
Way too soon...
has anyone heard about this?
that really sucks.
lots of dubs are talking.
This is what it sounds like when dubs cry
Way too soon...
first off i do believe there are some evidences of evolution or i should probably say adaptation.
i do believe this exists in various forms.. however the deal breaker for me with evolution is the chick or egg problem.
there are tons of theories that get passed around as proof of evolution however these are usually examples much further down the evolutionary chain.. what i mean is let's start at the beginning!
at no time did the elders ever mention apostasy.
days later after a shepherding call which only covered child abuse handling they are being marked as if they are trying to get their own followers etc.
so so sad....
@jookbeard no they are in Wash. state. Some call him "Big Black Jak" if you've heard that name before.
Tremendous couple they are really nice. He was serving etc. Whole family was very active.
here's just a little fun, you guys can run with it.. if god existed would he allow the whacktower to be in business?
just sayin... lol.
first off i do believe there are some evidences of evolution or i should probably say adaptation.
i do believe this exists in various forms.. however the deal breaker for me with evolution is the chick or egg problem.
there are tons of theories that get passed around as proof of evolution however these are usually examples much further down the evolutionary chain.. what i mean is let's start at the beginning!
The insatiable desire to bring God into the equation is exhausting.
I used the world intelligence for a reason. What that intelligence is, is irrelevant as it pertains to this discussion.
The reality is you can no more prove that evolution and the evidence of it was a result of chance then creationists can prove that it is the result of an intelligent design.
I opened the door, with an open mind but this refusal to admit ALL the possibilities is ridiculous. You're just as bad as those you're ridiculing.
I would think we're better than demanding that there's only one hypothesis but apparently not.
To suggest others are ignorant as they won't agree with you is bush-league.
When I posted the topic I was and still am very serious about the topic. It appears I must buy into one line of evidence or else. That simply wont' fly for me.
If you wish to provide thoughts or hypotheses on the driver event and how it came about I'm all ears....
first off i do believe there are some evidences of evolution or i should probably say adaptation.
i do believe this exists in various forms.. however the deal breaker for me with evolution is the chick or egg problem.
there are tons of theories that get passed around as proof of evolution however these are usually examples much further down the evolutionary chain.. what i mean is let's start at the beginning!
you refuse to investigate honestly because you are holding on to a god-of-the-gaps argument.
Categorically false on all levels.
Could some unknown event start the chance causing the evidence that we see today...YES
Could intelligence be the genesis of life causing the evidence in evolution/adaptation...YES
Years ago I was on the thankless path of becoming a marine biologists. One thing you learn quickly really in science in general is that often it is more important to prove what CANNOT be true than what CAN be true.
In this case as to the initial catalyst you cannot prove without doubt that either CANNOT be true.
Perhaps some day we will.
Lastly it has nothing to do with God per se. The question is and since we cannot define the driver is intelligence required to beget intelligence or can intelligence be generated by a chance chemically charged event.
first off i do believe there are some evidences of evolution or i should probably say adaptation.
i do believe this exists in various forms.. however the deal breaker for me with evolution is the chick or egg problem.
there are tons of theories that get passed around as proof of evolution however these are usually examples much further down the evolutionary chain.. what i mean is let's start at the beginning!
The driver is natural selection.
Natural selection has little to do with amino acids being charged to begin protein chaining.
Unless there's proof of this happening by chance I see no way to prove this dilemma one way or the other. It's simply unknown to say otherwise without admitting the possibility of the contrary is just not realistic.
first off i do believe there are some evidences of evolution or i should probably say adaptation.
i do believe this exists in various forms.. however the deal breaker for me with evolution is the chick or egg problem.
there are tons of theories that get passed around as proof of evolution however these are usually examples much further down the evolutionary chain.. what i mean is let's start at the beginning!
As I said from the get go...I see evidence of evolution and/or adaptation
However its evidence does prove a catalyst by happenstance nor does it prove intelligence as the catalyst.
If you argue this you're not being realistic. Why? Because the driver is unknown.
You can have the believe that it was happenstance/chance however you cannot prove that catalyst anymore than a creationist can prove an intelligent being kicking it all off.
at no time did the elders ever mention apostasy.
days later after a shepherding call which only covered child abuse handling they are being marked as if they are trying to get their own followers etc.
so so sad....
At no time did the elders ever mention apostasy. Not once. Days later after a shepherding call which ONLY covered child abuse handling they are being marked as if they are trying to get their own followers etc.
So so sad...
first off i do believe there are some evidences of evolution or i should probably say adaptation.
i do believe this exists in various forms.. however the deal breaker for me with evolution is the chick or egg problem.
there are tons of theories that get passed around as proof of evolution however these are usually examples much further down the evolutionary chain.. what i mean is let's start at the beginning!
Just so you guys know I believe it to be rather convenient to not want to concede that because you can't explain the driver or abiogenesis that somehow it doesn't matter.
It does because if that catalyst was intelligent then you'd be left with intelligence cause evolutionary results.
Creationism has the very same problem. If you can't solve that puzzle you can't disprove that a single cataclysmic event cause a reactionary event which resulted in the chain of evolution starting.
if there was a reasonable explanation for self replicating RNA it might be more clear however as it stands there's simply no such animal unless I'm missing something.