Based on the faulty content they produce...NONE!!
JoinedPosts by Hadriel
How many members of Governing Body have college(or higher) degrees?
by intropist ini just wonder what universities they would have gone to?
if possible, former members and current ones separately.... .
Morning Woship: Kenneth Flodin targets "apostates"
by Sanchy invideo is entitled "beware of deceit" he uses the letter of jude to show that current day apostates are deceitful and that they use "trickery" to and "twist facts" to try to "grab our mind".
warning: your head might explode.
especially past the 5:30 mark.
@punkofnice -Perfect clip!!
What the Org Teaches #6 The "Governing Body" Resolved the Circumcision Issue
by The Searcher in#6 the "governing body" resolved the circumcision issue .
what the org says: bt chap.
13 p. 103 par.
This one is so clear to me that I honestly don't know why more don't wake from it. why???
1. The ones that were murmuring came down to Antioch and came from where? Judea. Where is Jerusalem? Yep in the center of Judea.
2. The Pharisees actually spoke at this council. How could it be a governing body if they were speaking opinion.
3. Paul hadn't been back to Jerusalem in many years. If the governing body was there why had he not gone back to settle other matters that surely would have come up?
4. James also had to travel to Jerusalem to meet up with Paul etc.
Everything in Acts 15 points to the fact that there was not a governing body but rather they traveled to where the problem was coming from and mind you the obvious location for meeting. That's it!!! Nothing else to it. Fred Franz talk speaks to all of this almost verbatim. When I first heard it my mouth dropped as it was what I had thought myself almost to the letter.
Morning Woship: Kenneth Flodin targets "apostates"
by Sanchy invideo is entitled "beware of deceit" he uses the letter of jude to show that current day apostates are deceitful and that they use "trickery" to and "twist facts" to try to "grab our mind".
warning: your head might explode.
especially past the 5:30 mark.
Video Rebuttal on this talk available:
Strange behaviour after cut and paste
by konceptual99 inhi simon,.
i've just created a topic re a cart witnessing experience.
i wrote the original text in another bit of software (evernote) and cut and paste it in when creating the topic.. it did not leave any line space between paragraphs (just <br> tags it would appear) but when i added in some paragraph breaks it all looks ok when the edit is saved but then on refresh text is being completely lost.. i don't have this problem other times so am wondering if it's something to do with the c'n'p into the rich text editor and then subsequent edits.. any ideas?.
Have to see the markup that's created from Evernote but I would suggest before post you click the last button in the tool bar and check the code that is being generated. My guess is that it doesn't like perhaps a broken tag or unauthorized tag in the content and then on post it can't be encoded safely so it bombs the entire content. That's typically what causes the scenario you're describing.
Start your own Prince rumour!
by purrpurr ini see the jw rumour mill is going into mad overdrive about prince.
the stories seem to be more and more unlikely.
so i thought as a bit of fun how about us here try to make up our own rumours?
LOL priceless. -
San Diego abuse case: stay tuned. Zalkin's motion to be considered this Friday.
by Sugar Shane inzalkin proposing huge sanctions if jw leadership fails to produce documents.
unredacted this time!
feds need to get involved with this.
Sadly unless they are threatened with imprisonment I don't see how anything changes here other than they pay fines and lose a judgment.
Even then I would imagine those that would be imprisoned would NOT be the governing body members but those who are officers of the corporations.
If Prince had an addiction to prescriptions drugs, it's a personal matter but if I want to grow a beard or attend college, it's not.
by ToesUp ininteresting article i found about prince and the jw religion.
i guess they are trying to get their 15 minutes of fame.
i find it disturbing that the elder stated if prince had an addiction to prescription drugs, that is a personal matter but the hundreds of intrusive jw rules like going to college (not scriptural) and growing a beard (also not scriptural) are not also considered a personal choice.
They make him sound like regular joe publisher. I just don't see that at all. -
Prince was on the board of directors for the WTS
by Barrold Bonds ini was talking with a friend of mine who knows a few people in the home department at bethel.
apparently, prince was, as i noted in the title, on the board of directors.
he apparently was sort of a silent partner or advisor in the whole thing.
I find all this impossible to believe. -
Is Larry Graham an Elder?
by ShirleyW ini think he is, but i"m not too sure.
just wondering because looking at that purple pimp outfit with hat that he wore to prince's memorial, i wonder if he ever gave a talk wearing the same outfit, when i've read here that some brothers were talked to for wearing a pastel colored shirt while giving a talk..
@Barrold Bonds Oh I don't doubt it, but at least from my experience bros were definitely counseled for wearing suits that were too flashy or really bright colors.