You're totally right. we've discussed the same many times. The issues are that sooner or later you're effected by the Pharisaical manner in which the GB rules. Yes a joke but sometimes I wonder if you can even seen their faces anymore with the size of their scripture containing cases.
The point is at some point it becomes not worth it for the stress of always worrying about every step (not talking sin here just will this offend someone) you take, every word you say. I'm not saying it isn't good to consider others of course it is but it has gone so far beyond that. The bros are afraid to breath.
When guilt and fear are the initial feeling for everything you do that's a problem. Worse yet most don't realize that's the case. They're so much in a fog they think they're happy. They'll swear they are. I know as that's exactly what I did. If honest though you start to realize that a lifetime of being told you're basically not doing enough it wears on you and you see it for what it is.
At that point there's no conditional friendship worth that anguish.