@juandefiero glad to hear you say this but to be honest that's not at all how you acted with me a month or so ago. A bit of pot and kettle.
@GreatTeacher agree with all you said outside of the fact that you can't store a firearm safely and still use it for self defense.
In the event I described the ammunition was locked in a gun safe with a simple pin that only I and my wife know I loaded and chambered the weapon in less than 10 seconds. Heck it might have been 5. So I vehemently disagree.
it is very difficult to prove states with strict vs. lenient laws benefit or are adversely affected based on their stance on gun laws.
What's interesting is that in California where a very small percentage of the population owns guns the murder rate often leads the nation. Conversely in Alaska where the majority of the population owns a gun the murder rate is extremely low.
The simple truth is that if you ban guns altogether people will still find ways to get them. I know you con-types don't want to hear that but it is undeniable. The shooting not long ago in San Bernardino had both legally and illegally obtained weapons involved. You want a quick fix but unstable people and pressure within society are very much part of the equation I'm afraid. Not a single instance when I've been angry have I thought hey let's shoot someone. Not once and I've been ticked off as much as the next guy.
There are a lot of factors in these equations and I'd be the first to admit you can make a case the other way too. Regardless the blanket statement that well strict gun laws make things inherently safer is patently false and cannot be proven anymore than the opposing view.
Part of the reason this issue is so polarizing is that the data swings both ways in many cases. This makes it very difficult to be hard and fast on either stance in my opinion.