@Simon yeah I agree with everything you said in general and you're right usually there's something that happens which affects them directly.
However more are leaving not because they were dealt with but because as you said it doesn't pass the directed by God test.
Things are starting to pile up is the point and you can't hide it anymore. Stuff is too accessible and it will only get worse. More and more child abuse stuff will mount. It will for sure affect several as it is already.
I still say the generations teach could be the reason for the biggest exodus. Why? That teaching has never been moved off of. why? Because too much has been made of it. You move from it and although some may buy it I'm betting most won't. It is just too integral.
Think about how many say "when 1914 fell for me that was it". Now imagine the society itself finally having to admit in 60 years or so that they had the generations deal wrong. It will be catastrophic. Most of us unfortunately won't be here to see it.
At least that's my .02