@Dark Read her 1 John 1:5. Then read excepts from "Time is at Hand" and/or "The Finished Mystery" as I mentioned. Then ask if there is no darkness in God and the light JW's speak of is progressive, why was such darkness taught?
New light needs to be light in the first place. If a teaching is completely abandoned then it was never light in the first place, hence it is darkness.
Re-read 1 John.
Based on the info or excepts read for either of the books above is God trying to trick us or are those things simply not from God in the first place.
Lastly read Deuteronomy 18:22.
Ask if the things in those books, the most key publication set of the organization's history, all came true.
If the a person is honest they must answer no. As such this cannot be God's organization for if you say yes then he is trying to trick us by leading us into darkness and confusion, then back to light then back to darkness with the constant flip flopping on doctrine and rules.