@listener of course it will be readily available and in more form factors than previous. As to price I imagine it will follow suit to what's been done in the past.
I get the sense from a lot of people "it better be cheap". Ray was vehemently against it being free.
Open invitation if you can translate COC into the needed langs with the 2008 updates, ready the artwork, secure a publisher and have it ready in all form factors needed in 24 I'll write you a 1000.00 check.
I don't see much reasonability here. Ultimately none of our opinions matter. She is organizing it as she sees fit, which is her right to do so and Ray's wife's wishes by the way.
Could an out of date version be put up sure is that what the CPH wants to do? No. She wants it current and organized. There was no control with publishers all over taking liberties they had no right to do.
Poor translations I've inspected myself. Bootlegs by people you name it.
The fact that some here expect all this to be sorted out correctly and legally in 24 hours baffles me. Just isn't that easy.