The insatiable desire to bring God into the equation is exhausting.
I used the world intelligence for a reason. What that intelligence is, is irrelevant as it pertains to this discussion.
The reality is you can no more prove that evolution and the evidence of it was a result of chance then creationists can prove that it is the result of an intelligent design.
I opened the door, with an open mind but this refusal to admit ALL the possibilities is ridiculous. You're just as bad as those you're ridiculing.
I would think we're better than demanding that there's only one hypothesis but apparently not.
To suggest others are ignorant as they won't agree with you is bush-league.
When I posted the topic I was and still am very serious about the topic. It appears I must buy into one line of evidence or else. That simply wont' fly for me.
If you wish to provide thoughts or hypotheses on the driver event and how it came about I'm all ears....