I asked on the instances because I noticed the lag at roughly the same time of day. I don't think the instances are it is the point.
On the server error, like yeah that happens. Is what it is.
oops, sorry about that - the last update caused a few server errors on some topics.
they should be ok now.. just rolling out some more updates to make things slightly quicker and lay the foundation for future improvements..
I asked on the instances because I noticed the lag at roughly the same time of day. I don't think the instances are it is the point.
On the server error, like yeah that happens. Is what it is.
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
@cofty I've already looked into this question extensively. There's simply nothing concrete hence for me personally I'm at an impasse.
At this point in very short my conclusion is if there is a God he/she is not likely to be as described in the bible.
I also don't feel you need the bible to believe or disbelieve in God/creation/evolution.
For me it is about that catalyst, until that is solved both are nothing more than theory. That mysterious event is the key that unlocks it all.
I will not likely see this unlocked in my lifetime. I'm perfectly fine with that.
There's far too much to enjoy in life and for us we're getting busy enjoying it!!!
oops, sorry about that - the last update caused a few server errors on some topics.
they should be ok now.. just rolling out some more updates to make things slightly quicker and lay the foundation for future improvements..
...would u quit screwing around LOL. did the added instances help the lag?
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
It's as simple as this. You some how have to get from RNA to DNA. What's the catalyst? We don't know therefore it is impossible to conclude as fact one way or the other.
Spent months reading up on this and although I'm no expert I've put the time in. You categorically cannot conclude creation, evolution by creation, evolution or otherwise without knowing what event enabled RNA to become DNA.
Figure that out and you'll be famous.
if you have been disfellowshiped or disassociated you can request a copy of the s-77 or s-79 from the branch office to see what the elders wrote.. if you write to the british branch they will ask you to pay £10 and a copy of your identification card or letter by your lawyer..
@Desirous I think this will change in the very near future. The U.S. is becoming far more progressive and inclusive by the minute. Some of the religious shenanigans of the past are coming to an end IMO.
i met an old friend last evening, a great guy, an xjw for longer than me.. during a conversation about our experiences since fading (neither of us are da'd or anything) we got to talking about the young jw's.. his wife is still in, and he has two lovely daughters who he is trying to teach the art of critical thinking so that they can make the right choice in the future.. what worries him though is that he is convinced almost all young jw's do not give a "proverbial" if it is the truth or not, they simply wish to remain in it because of the social aspects, loads of friends and activities that they feel safe partaking in etc etc.. so how do you convince these young people that they would have a better life if they left ?.
they see it as losing all their friends, and being alone and trying to build new relationships, which is mostly true.. how do we convince them to make the leap ?.
should they ?.
Remember what life was like as a late teen or even early twenties if you were a JW at that time. You're friends were it. You went out on weekends during the week you name it all the time.
It was everything. As a young JW you have a built in social system. They pretty much have to welcome you in to some degree. In the real world friends take more work because they don't have to agree with you.
The solution I believe is time. Skillfully showing the blatant faults of the org in a systematic manner without emotion has worked for us, however there is still real drawn to what they know.
I trust that the real truth has hit their heart and that in time as life goes on, they go to college, find a mate and so on the reality that it is false will be inescapable as friends just aren't the priority anymore.
At least this is our experience so far!
does anybody have a digital copy of the revised bethel visitors 'dress code' pamphlet from this year?.
Don't have a problem with a code in general however this pretty much sends the message that if you don't have the money to have clothes to the measure of detail their showing then don't come.
That is not right. Many families particularly with little boys can't afford to put them in full suit and tie with dress shoes.
hey guys in the just leaked csa form for reporting child abuse cases in the footnotes there is reference to a elder position in every bethel called a "safeguarding elder.
does anyone have info on this position?
...well it ain't about "safeguarding" children.
in the august broadcast bro splane explains this point deeper.. when the brothers are sitting together and joyfully speaking about clarification of jw belief, they often encounter and deal with that "domino-effect" when one scripture has effects on others.
so all changes are carefully considered before they come into print, one after the other but late.. lately he mentions the "godfathers" brother jaracz , barr as good examples of reading the bible progressivly, they were very progressive at there time.
what ever this could mean he did not explain it?.
The very "Domino Effect" that they discuss excludes them from being God's channel. If he were using them wouldn't he, that being God, have already sorted out the dominos????
after fading for roughly a year now there's some good and some bad.
the bad.
it is becoming increasingly difficult to go to meetings.
Yes the immediate fam is out. Yes there has been positive things but lots of headache too. You're not alone is the point.
My biggest suggestion would be to get involved with things in your community. Take a vacation stay busy and the guilt and shame we feel from this terrible indoctrination slowly recedes and you begin to find happiness.
There really hasn't been a magic formula other than that.
For those in your family that are in, what I did is said well here are 5 things I found to be absolutely factual, you are welcome to prove them false, but if true you can understand why I feel the way I do.
That seemed to be very powerful.