@Landy maybe I'm not being clear but I completely agree with your statements.
I'm actually saying you CANNOT assume God just because we are unaware of this charge/event that sprung life into motion.
The problem is that you cannot assume Evolution either for the very same reason.
@cofty I have no issue with LUCA zero. However you're leaving out an important part which the hard and fast types like to do it seems....how the hell did you get to the first universal ancestor?
Honestly I don't get the hostility...if you can prove how RNA became DNA how amino acids were charged beginning the chaining of life you'll get a Nobel Price if you can't you MUST accept other possibilities and that is really all I'm saying.
To be very clear I'm not saying either are right. i think we need more questions answered. I suspect some day when it is all solved we'll find there's something involved that no one thought of before. Usually works that way in the end. Meaning the answer might be right in front of everyone.