1. Show me where I said "a theory" is a guess. In fact I said the opposite several posts back.
2. Show me where I "inserted" God in any of my posts. What I'm inserting is I don't know because we simply do not know "the charge" which caused DNA.
If you know what the charge is that caused RNA to become DNA again you'll get a Nobel Prize.
Not one person here has had a single prolific thing to say about this problem. Instead the de facto go to answer is to keep saying I'm inserting God when it has ZERO to do with that for me. Along with a bunch of other rhetoric that I never said.
No matter how many times I say it I see the same post over and over.
Now for the last time until someone shows me evidence of how RNA became DNA I don't know if it is Evolution (life by chance), God (life by supreme being) or a Leprechaun (life by little green guy from planet three solar systems away).
I get it you want me to accept well it just happened somehow but don't worry about that. No thanks!
I get that it angers you because you can't explain this process any more than anyone else. It is what it is. Maybe someone day we'll know until then I personally can't accept any final resolution.