@cofty hence "bacteria like" but maybe you missed the "like". And yes as a point of reference to make others understand it has been said this way before. Nothing new and certainly not from me.
Again the constant shots to intelligence "don't copy paste". I'm not a dumb person. Disagreeing with you doesn't make me less intelligent than you.
Yes "codons" simply a typo but you had to point that out, again a shot at intelligence.
At no point have I insulted your intelligence in this discussion. Yet you have sent a barrage of subtle shots my way.
For the record I've worked on in whole or part on apps you literally use on your phone/computer. Rather than insult me perhaps you can just say thanks sheesh. Enough with the barbs.
Not contradicting myself but say what you like. I've asked 10 times for you to explain the catalyst, the biochemical "charge" and yes "charge" is used by plenty of professors so maybe you don't understand that word but they certainly do.
Sure on the paper. Whose the independent party assessing the validity and worth of these papers? You're writing one too right? May have to make some time to do it. Not something I'd write in an hour.
I would ask one last time. What caused the biochemical event which made life and evolution even possible? Simple question but you've never even tried to answer it.