clear your cache, let me know which browser you're on and I'll explain how to do that.
JoinedPosts by Hadriel
Cannot Access My Posts
by steve2 incoinciding with the arrival of the hottest tab (but don't know if it's related), i can no longer call up my posts.
instead, i get a message "bad request".
Cannot Access My Posts
by steve2 incoinciding with the arrival of the hottest tab (but don't know if it's related), i can no longer call up my posts.
instead, i get a message "bad request".
...a 400 typically means that some criteria that the server expects is missing when it tries to query the result set for you.
just a stab there's probably an id or other unique identifier missing or something that's causing this. Something Simon will have to fix/look at.
and it could very well be related he may have had to migrate some things around or reproduce some keys in new tables/documents which could cause this.
Why are the atheists on this site so hateful?
by HopeEverLasting inall us creationists try to do is offer true evidence that the one and only god is out there watching and looking down on us.
we present that certain scientists know the truth about god and that he is everything that we see from trees, life, weather, the air we breath, and even the most simple molecules.
but of course you atheists reject it because it is your nature to not be humble and see god because you want to rule your own life.
@Konceptual99 um this is not acceptable ->
by being a lying jackass with short man's disease. - @Viviane
Why are the atheists on this site so hateful?
by HopeEverLasting inall us creationists try to do is offer true evidence that the one and only god is out there watching and looking down on us.
we present that certain scientists know the truth about god and that he is everything that we see from trees, life, weather, the air we breath, and even the most simple molecules.
but of course you atheists reject it because it is your nature to not be humble and see god because you want to rule your own life.
lol @Giles
Why are the atheists on this site so hateful?
by HopeEverLasting inall us creationists try to do is offer true evidence that the one and only god is out there watching and looking down on us.
we present that certain scientists know the truth about god and that he is everything that we see from trees, life, weather, the air we breath, and even the most simple molecules.
but of course you atheists reject it because it is your nature to not be humble and see god because you want to rule your own life.
@Frank I know you have, others not so much. Their mentality is it doesn't' matter, don't discuss it because it doesn't fit nicely into what the want.
When someone won't state the obvious it is time to shut it down.
Brooklyn's dinosaur
by Nathan Natas inthose of us who grew up with the nwt in our little hands probably remember this little guy - he might be a mascot of our generation, might he not?.
for those unfamiliar with him, he graced the inside end sheets of the new world translation - the infamous green version - and was placed squarely in the center of what is now the sahara desert, i believe.. for decades, of course, i saw him, looked at him, thought "generic dinosaur.
" then i began wondering - was he just a generic dinosaur?
I've seen this little guy in other works. Well similar at least. My guess on this one unlike other blatant plagiarisms that the watchtower has engaged in, this one was drawn by them. I'm sure they took ideas from others but it isn't like this is some fine piece of art. I think most of us could draw this.
Why are the atheists on this site so hateful?
by HopeEverLasting inall us creationists try to do is offer true evidence that the one and only god is out there watching and looking down on us.
we present that certain scientists know the truth about god and that he is everything that we see from trees, life, weather, the air we breath, and even the most simple molecules.
but of course you atheists reject it because it is your nature to not be humble and see god because you want to rule your own life.
@Frankenstein it is also categorically dishonest to not answer a direct question because you don't want to feel the words cross your lips.
Which is exactly what happens when you ask poignant questions which science has yet to solve and yet the non-theist types simply won't state the obvious.
Until the origin of life question is solved NO ONE should be puffing out their peacock chest.
Without the origin of life there is no evolution, I'm not typing short there is nothing.
The borg is fighting tooth and nail to not turn over sex abuse records, and the press is taking note :)
by EndofMysteries in
@Vidiot I would love to see their complacent attitude after it happens to them or their child.
Waiting on Jah is all fine and well until it effects you personally. Witnesses in general take this attitude.
Think about death in the world. A sister literally told my wife that with all the bombings and terrorism in France that she was secretly happy because it meant the end was so very close.
That's the mentality you're dealing with.
Why are the atheists on this site so hateful?
by HopeEverLasting inall us creationists try to do is offer true evidence that the one and only god is out there watching and looking down on us.
we present that certain scientists know the truth about god and that he is everything that we see from trees, life, weather, the air we breath, and even the most simple molecules.
but of course you atheists reject it because it is your nature to not be humble and see god because you want to rule your own life.
Well when you have the moderator/owner of this site telling people to "fuck off" that doesn't really exactly deescalate things much.
This encourages the non-theist types to run wild allowing them to belittle, degrade and borderline bully people into accepting a specific point of view.
I would call that troll/pot stirring at its best.
Being in the middle (not certain of what to believe as we can't define the origin of life yet) it is clear to me that both sides need to chill out. Both could be wrong on some level or another.
and since it's apparently cool to f-bomb whole groups of people here...
For the non-theists here that demand you assimilate because you said so....yeah you can "fuck off".
New to this. But not the life.
by Irocz ini just joined this sight today.
i'm hoping to find people here with similar experiences or have experience with similar situations or just any advise or feedback.. first.
my quick life story.. i was born into jw.
@berrygerry gave you good advice hit up if you haven't already.
Tell your dad you've been thinking about returning to Jehovah. You just have a few questions and if he would be so kind as to answer them you'd be willing to study.
He will be so excited by you stating that he'll for sure try to answer your questions.
Here are some ideas for questions.
1. Were those that were disfellowshipped for taking blood fractions prior to the governing body allowing blood fractions automatically reinstated once the governing body changed their minds? and how did they go about apologizing to those that were disfellowshipped after causing them so much unnecessary pain?
2. In 1919 when Jesus chose the organization we taught that he should be worshiped. How can that be? Either they were teaching darkness then and he wouldn't have chosen them or we're teaching darkness now because we're not following the teaching we taught when he chose us? "In Jehovah there is no darkness at all"
3. In the book the "Time is At Hand" we stated on page 101 that Jesus took reign in 1878 and that Armageddon was in 1914. Then we said 1925. These were specific years/dates. Doesn't that directly contradict Matthew 24:36? And again why would Jesus chose us if we were teaching such things?
4. If there was a governing body in Jerusalem why were the Pharisees part of that body given the condemnation Jesus game them? See Acts 15:5
5. If I'm out in service how do I explain to the householder the concept of overlapping generations directly from the bible considering that the bible indicates in Matthew 1 that a generation is roughly 48 years?
and there are many many more tough questions like this that will scramble his brain if that is what you're looking to do. What I mean is make him think.
This is not chicanery or twisting words these are things flat out said by the organization over the years. If he wants you to "return" he should explain the above type questions which he won't be able to because it's all a farce.