If he is referring to my tweet then I am extremely flattered that he follows me so closely. I only posted it a couple of hours ago.
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If he is referring to my tweet then I am extremely flattered that he follows me so closely. I only posted it a couple of hours ago.
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Kim he might be referring to the fact that I have posted this discussion from 9 years ago when he doxxed hundreds of ex jws on the AAWA Facebook page.
I did it because it’s something I have been telling people about for years but to see the actual original discussion holds much more weight than me just telling the story.
its 9 years ago but it’s a significant and vivid example of how he has treated people for years.
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Narcissists only see peoples value in terms of what they can be of service to the narcissist.
lloyd cultivates his ‘doting father’ and ‘family man’ image because it serves him. When the girls are grown up, or when the girls are speaking Croatian to their mum and he doesn’t know what they are saying, they are not of service to him and he will abandon them emotionally and / or physically.
in many respects he’s lucky he had girls, they are more malleable. A son would begin to butt up against him when the boy got testosterone, challenge him, defend his mum. It would lead to terrible fireworks. It’s happening with my boy right now, a very gentle but moral soul who told his dad he was a ‘bloody idiot’ (when he was 11) for shouting at me.
lloyd can control a feminised household for now.
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For me the income is only relevant because I feel it shows how he absolutely cannot give up his activist / YouTube job. He has no other skills, and he would have to take an infeasible income hit if he had to get a real job.
IMO he will continue to double down and fight like a cat trapped down an alley by a large dog.
He can’t afford to do anything else. Unlike the rest of us who actually work a job and support our families, he has to continue producing content and protecting his ‘activism’.
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Kim told me yesterday he was earning £130k a year.
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Now that the dust has settled and we have all forgotten this, I think it’s time for Lloyd to do a video telling his side of the story. 😆
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I find it fascinating that Andrew Gold only had to deal with Lloyd once and found him so obnoxious he completely changed the angle. We’ve had to deal with Lloyd for years.
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Hands up, I was completely and utterly wrong about this. I thought Andrew was playing the community for likes and subscribes. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
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Lloyd ‘dated’ a prostitute. So that’s ok.
married man with 2 kids went on holiday on 26th December to Thailand on his own, after his wife refused to agree to an open relationship, and dated a prostitute.
ohhhhhh my mistake, I thought he was paying women for sex. This has so much better optics.
I’m sure Dijana felt SO much better that it was a date, and not a common or garden John.
Please give me some words to express the full and deep extent of my contempt and disgust, because I am struggling here.
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The problem is the Gold kid has already indicated that he’s worried about how the interview will come across, saying things like ‘I tried to push him as hard’ ‘I tried to be fair to everyone’ ‘he apologised to his wife’. He has admitted that he knew nothing of all the scandals we have alerted him to, saying ‘I do 2 or 3 of these a week and I have very little time to research them all thoroughly’. He has given a little mini lecture on the uselessness of apologies, meaning lloyd doesn’t understand how his behaviour had impacted anyone else and has at best given a narcissists apology.
also the fact that lloyd thinks this will ‘help with peoples concerns’ means it’s a whitewash.
The Gold kid can move on to the next fascinating interview, having given a platform to one of the most bloviated self promoting immoral deluded deceitful avaricious fantasists of the ex Jw world. We are stuck with him crowing ‘I’m back’.