Back then Lloyd was still fresh and not the cynical money chasing Jabba he is now, so to see him behave so cravenly seemed out of character for him (so we thought). I know Mike and Kim had him sussed long before many of us because of the way he had treated Shyla, and Marc and Cora soon came to know he was morally bankrupt because of their dealings with AAWA. It took me longer because of doing the podcast with him and him seeming smooth and articulate. It was only when I disagreed with him on a minor point that I realised what a callous emotionally redundant narcissist he was. In the beginning I wouldn’t have had the knowledge or insight to know he was a narcissist, but after a lot more research and reading I slowly came to know him for what he was and then past details that had seemed ‘out of character’ made complete sense.
I then got on the merrygoround of calling him out every time there was a scandal, posting screenshots of his vile behaviour, being shouted down by people who hadnt been on the receiving end of his vicious petulant interactions, going quiet, rinse and repeat every few years.
im thankful to Kim and producer Bob for putting the brakes on this merrygoround because it was making me feel sick and dizzy.