You said: “The universe is indifferent, there is no
"God", that's not so difficult to reconcile.”
universe is how we perceive it to be. There are many people who profusely thank
God for good things in life and they also fault God and others for pain and
agony. Yet a balanced view can see that both aspects emanate from a purposeful plan,
but our mind perceives them as positives or negatives due to the subjective
power of the minds discrimination. Deeper introspection reveals all that is
felt or transpires is neutral
in nature and meant to balance the cosmic existence. Water, for example, is key
for sustenance of life. Our body is almost 60% water/blood in a cycle of
circulation. Fresh air is inhaled and stale air exhaled. Medically, smooth
functioning of the digestive system is an endorsement of wellness. Extreme
weather conditions, floods or earthquakes, etc, causing torment, are in fact
mind-boggling acts of ecological, geological and biological equilibrium. There
is a definite purpose to all activities. The so-called good or bad is, thus, interwoven
in myriad ways incomprehensible
for many.
Therefore, be
it pleasure or pain all events are meant for sustenance of the infinite ladder
of life. Whether individuals understand or not, underlying realities matter
little in the super-scale of grand hierarchy though personal preferences are
determined by our needs and greed. Prayers change nothing, but our own mind doesn't accept whatever is ordained. If God were to speak to or advise each one
of us that He means the best for each being in Creation, the mind would have
rejected Gods decrees on the premise that God is ignorant of what is good for
each entity. This may be the reason why God chose to work in absolute silence.