"So, given a choice between being dinner, and becoming a vampire (standard pros and cons; very strong, getting stronger over time, almost unkillable, unless someone has a pencil or holy water, continued existence unless killed, funny sleeping habits and not very good reaction to direct sunlight), what would you choose?"
Um, I believe some conditions were not mentioned: what incentive in Anne Rice/Buffyverse is there for choosing to become the dinner? Is there some sort of higher calling or reincarnation to superior existence for those who are virtuous? I understand that you say God is distant, but does that cause good to go unrewarded? Is this in other words a purely Neitzschean nihilism, or are there indications of some attainable Nirvana by right living?
JoinedPosts by Teirce
Fangs for the memory; would you become a vampire?
by Abaddon innow, first off, there's no such thing.. but, let's imagine that we live in the same dimension as buffy (most of the guys and a few of the women start paying attention), or the anne rice novels, blade, whatever.. vampires are real.
god is distant and removed.
there is an epic, but drawn out and irresolvable struggle between good and evil.
Re-invention After DF'ing.
by Englishman inis being disfellowshipped the most awful thing that can happen to a person, or is it a golden opportunity for you to re-invent your life?.
it happened in reverse for me.
when i was dfd, i had deliberately initiated the proceedings by walking around the pitch at a district convention whilst accompanied by a dfd person.
Has anyone discovered an average time for how long disfellowshipped or disassociated persons have been in the organization? I suspect that it may well be two decades on average. And many of those will have been those who were born into it, so that the most vital and energetic decades of their life were stolen. After I disassociated myself, I had a long convalescence of just wasting time and enjoying the lightness of being. It was the lightness of how certain nights, certain times of the week were now completely blank slates: the heavy, sweaty, nervous weights that had occupied them were now completely demolished. The price of course was that there was no friends to call upon for support, other than the nominal acquaintence of workmates. I suffered for several months under the supposition that by being a responsible, good, communicative example to my family/friends, that they would let up on their strict iteration of shunning, and might actually make some clandestine bridges of the sort that are fabled among those JWs who desperately want to get out but are kept in by love of family. I can say this: it was not in my cards to win them by good example. So, two can play that game. They defy the reality of blood/friendly connection, so I defy it also and instead chose to reflect on the whole matter thusly, They "are" my family/friends in some distant place along this linear railroad we call time, but they "are not" my family/friends in this immediately present time. Therefore, they don't exist to me in any form; I've written them off. But I don't feel inhuman about it because I can fondly recollect and look upon the whole thing in the aforementioned way. New friends and loyalties collect to any who have an inner fire and believe in themselves.
God makes..
by Teirce ini'm reading hume, and am struck with the thought that... as jw kids we are taught that god makes the sun shine upon the righteous and evil, and that he makes the plants grow.. boy, what a way to cut off at the pass critical thinking, as early as frikin possible.. thank you.
I'm reading Hume, and am struck with the thought that..
As jw kids we are taught that God Makes the sun shine upon the righteous and evil, and that he Makes the plants grow.
Boy, what a way to cut off at the pass critical thinking, as early as frikin possible.
Thank you.
American men get sterilized don't father children!
by NoOnesMan2002 incalifornia paternity justice act: if the genes don't fit, you must acquit .
by glenn sacks .
when larry nicholson went to court after receiving a child support order, he knew something wasn't right.
Amber Lynn Grunden from Central PA?
by Teirce inthis would be your cousin, the oldest of the five boys... if you're around, write me at [email protected]
This would be your cousin, the oldest of the five boys..
If you're around, write me at [email protected]
finding friends outside the Borg - a Scary thought
by lydia inhas anyone else found that the teaching of the "outside world" being a "bad association" limits your involvement and ability to make new freinds?.
if so how have you overcome this and any suggestions to helping those suffering from these feelings?.
My useless 2c:
I've been tempted to be so happy in the presense of new people, new potential friends, that I try to restrain my bubbling desire to be liked and have approval. Therefore, I try to watch everything and everyone and say as little as possible, so I don't make a fool of myself, or appear like a puppy that humps legs because it's not socially adjusted.
Our town just got hit by terrorists!!!!!!!!!!
by MrMoe inmy boss just called on a cell phone - he went to arby's for lunch and 3 people of arabic decent ran in an threw some sort of chemical on the floor and ran out.
us 41 was closed and he is being quarantined.
i am worried - hope he is ok. hopefully this is a fluke, but i just don't know.
Just like the FBI has 100 bad leads to every good lead, it looks like there's going to be 100 hoaxes to every real threat. All this crying wolf is going to put people to sleep for when something real happens.
I don't mean the poster - we'll get better at raking info out of 'ground-zero victims' as more hoaxes happen - I mean the dorky trickster jackasses that are going to be inspired by how much panic they can now cause by a note and a package. All it takes, obviously, is about the same cost of materials as went into the boxcutters.
I share your emotion, Brutus. I would have also been legitimately pissed and worried that my ass belonged to Jesus if such an announcer had not come clean with some detail in damn short order. But trust me - you'll learn to roll over in bed, as it were, the more of these hoaxes you hear. Pretty soon you'll be sleeping like a baby. :)
Kabul Being Attacked NOW
by Englishman inthats what sky news says at 5.
40 gmt.
Taliban will shoot any drivers of cars that do not have several permissions and a few passwords.
More interesting: Russian air defenses are not on alert during this US presense in Uzbekastan, this implying a great amount of trust from Putin for the US. dubyas will love it.
In that pretaped video, Bin Laden materially admitted to the WTC attack.
Horror of horrors.....
by Tatiana ini know that while being a witness, we were not really allowed to watch horror movies, or anything that smacked of demonism.
anything supernatural.
my question is, what movie or movies, since leaving the society, has really scared or upset you?
oops, sorry - to answer your question... Jacob's Ladder, Event Horizon, Fire In the Sky, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Donald Sutherland), Twilight Zone, X-Files. The more understated, like in The Shining, the better.
Horror of horrors.....
by Tatiana ini know that while being a witness, we were not really allowed to watch horror movies, or anything that smacked of demonism.
anything supernatural.
my question is, what movie or movies, since leaving the society, has really scared or upset you?
Witnesses are required to stay away from demonic overtones so that they can maintain their superstition of them. Ie, Fear is ignorance. Let Witnesses start watching horror films, and pretty soon you'll have Witnesses who aren't giving a fuck for the WTS' cheap scares because they know demons aren't real, but are shadows of the psyche. Just like anything else with the WTS - a little knowledge is dangerous.