The GB have indeed done a U Turn.
After tens of thousands of deaths and injuries from these bio- weapons they have finally connected the dots. But why did they go down this path of promoting these dangerous vaccines in the first place? We are familiar with Greek terminology, the Greek word Pharmakeia means the use of medicine, drugs and spells. We are warned against the use of illicit drugs that have hallucinating effects on our minds and actions. There is a close connection with demonism.
And yet the GB in effect told the world wide brotherhood to take something and inject it into our bodies that comes from a sorcerer. To me this is madness! Making yourself an experiment for a drug that is novel and never went through the required clinical phases and was released under emergency measures is just more madness!
Praying about what to do and then saying God has given direction to take these vaccines just makes no sense to me at all. This is the pink elephant in the room.
The scripture in Ephesians 6:12 is very appropriate.
because we have a struggle, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places.
The GB got caught up in the group think and believed that 2+2=5 and possibly brain washed into their actions. All just my opinion but there are many questions still unanswered.