aww shoot, the person who sent it said 'latest breaking news!' So I just figured this had just happened, LOL.
Oh well.. thanks for the update Hawk .
got this in an email from a 'sister', thought some of you might want to know the latest on this sad case:.
>april 18th 2002 .
aww shoot, the person who sent it said 'latest breaking news!' So I just figured this had just happened, LOL.
Oh well.. thanks for the update Hawk .
i was talking to my jw sister the other night, long distance.
she, like me, was raised a jw.
she is a sweet, sincere and wonderful woman.
Thanks for a different point of view. True, I do agree that her comment was probably more dealing with her marriage than anything else.. but it does seem that in many of our conversations there is talk of how 'wordly' people fail miserably at everything.. so I guess I'm a little sensitive to it. Your point is well taken and I will try not to take it too personally the next time I talk to her .
AMEN!!! That has always been the way I saw things as a JW.. there was always an answer. Exactly!
I know what you mean. A sister once tried to get me to marry a brother I had no remote attraction to. He was not my type at all and had the personality of a paper bag. She kept telling me that if I didnt marry him I would probably marry a worldly guy, and it would be better to be in a passionless marriage in the 'truth' than a passionate marriage to a worldly man, since worldly men cheat and beat their wives!!!! [8>]
i was talking to my jw sister the other night, long distance.
she, like me, was raised a jw.
she is a sweet, sincere and wonderful woman.
I was talking to my jw sister the other night, long distance. She, like me, was raised a JW. She is a sweet, sincere and wonderful woman. But I've noticed that sadly, she seems to put all trust in the Org with no thought of her own. She said something that really floored me.
We were talking about marriage and it's tribulations... she said that if it werent for her husband or herself being Witnesses, they would probably be divorced by now. When her son questioned her why, since it really shocked him, she said that it was a well known fact that worldly people have no reason to stay together. She said if her husband was worldly, after a fight he would just pack up and leave. But being jw's, they have a standard to live with and dont want to risk being df'd ... so they get through any problems.
This floored me. She knows that I am not a Witness, nor is my husband. I know she meant no ill will towards me at all... she is absolutely a kind and dear woman. What hurts is that she really believes this because it is taught to her at the meetings!
This makes me wonder what other crazy things do they (jws) think of us (non-jws).
Do they really think all non-Witnesses are all unhappy and live horrible lives? Or do they have to believe it so their mundane lives seem a little better?
Just wondering.....
got this in an email from a 'sister', thought some of you might want to know the latest on this sad case:.
>april 18th 2002 .
Got this in an email from a 'sister', thought some of you might want to know the latest on this sad case:
>April 18th 2002
>Alberta court to fast-track teen Jehovah's Witness blood transfusion case
>CALGARY (CP) - Alberta's highest court is fast-tracking the appeal of a
>Jehovah's Witness girl forced to undergo blood transfusions to treat
>leukemia. Justice Carole Conrad of the Alberta Court of Appeal said Thursday
>that a three-judge panel expects to hear and decide the 16-year-old's case
>before the teen receives more chemotherapy and blood transfusions in two
>"This is a very tragic case," Conrad told a packed courtroom.
>"We have a sick child as I understand it. What I'm trying to do is to get
>this in front of a panel quickly."
>The girl wants Alberta's top court to overturn a provincial court ruling
>granting the province temporary custody of her and ordering she undergo
>blood transfusions.
>The girl, who by law can't be named, has received several state-imposed
>blood transfusions and another 12 are scheduled.
>The girl has gone to court a dozen times in her effort to stop the
>She maintains she doesn't want to die but that it's within her religious
>rights to refuse the medical treatment.
>Jehovah's Witnesses say the Bible prohibits consuming blood.
>The girl's lawyer, David Gnam, said his client will be "ecstatic" to hear
>that the appeal court is trying to accommodate her wishes.
>Gnam said the primary argument to the appeal court will be the right of a
>mature minor to make her own medical decisions.
>"Obviously my client would like the opportunity to get alternative treatment
>that's medically acceptable to her in terms of her conscience," Gnam said.
>The girl's Calgary doctors say the treatment gives her a 40 to 50 per cent
>chance of beating the cancer but without blood transfusions, she would
>likely die.
>The girl, who has been in remission for about a week, became ill in hospital
>Wednesday with an infection and a fever. Her immune system is extremely low
>and any illness can be dangerous.
>The two-month battle has split the girl's family, with her mother and two
>sisters giving their support to refuse transfusions, while her father
>consents to the blood treatment. The family moved from Belleville, Ont., to
>Calgary three years ago.
>Last week, a Court of Queen's Bench denied the girl's appeal to overturn the
>provincial court ruling.
>Outside court Thursday the girl's father told reporters that he is
>financially broke from the legal battle and has set up a trust fund for his
>lawyer's fees.
i was watching the hockey game yesterday and i thought i heard 'booing' during canada's national anthem.
earlier in the week the same thing occurred during the raptor's playoff game.. as some are aware canada has been mourning and burying their 4 dead soldiers due to the incompetence of an american fighter pilot who dropped a bomb on them while they were carrying out training exercises.
flags are flying at half-mast as canadians try to make sense of such a careless mistake.. i find it hard to believe any civilized person would show such disrespect to another country to 'boo' them during their national anthem at any time, and more so during a time of mourning because of death caused directly by american hands.. i sincerely hope american media chastised their countrymen who showed such insensitive, classless, ignorant and disrespectful behavior to their neighbours.
It is no secret that America in general could do with some better manners and show
more respect for other countries, but what can you do?
Oh my God, did you just say that with a straight face? I work with two women from Russia who are the most vile and obnoxiously arrogant people alive. There is another woman from England who judges everyone around her and talks down to us 'Americans'.
There is one from Indonesia that burps without saying 'excuse me' and shoves you out of her way.
What does this mean?
That there are jerks in every country! If you think you hold the trophy for class, think again!
There is good and bad in everyone, to quote Paul McCartney. I think America gets a bad rap no matter what they do. They're too patriotic, not patriotic enough, cater to other countries, dont cater to countries enough..... get over it!
I have many friends in Canada and they have remarked on how many Americans have bought Canadian flags to wave at hockey events and have bought Canadian shirts and jackets. Can't we all just love each other without such RUDE comments?
i take it back.
unfuck you!!!".
"you say i'm a bitch like it's a bad thing?!".
I am printing some of those up to put on my rear window
i had an interesting day today.
early this afternoon i was sent an email by a sister who was chastising me for claiming to not be disfellowshipped.
she wrote she had just spoken to the oregon service desk and was assured that i was df on no uncertain terms.
Good for you! I'm glad you called him on it... shows he was blatantly lying to that sister!
thank you, thank you, thank you for making me see that i'm wasting my time being in a world of bitter, twisted, self-absorbed people and helping me to wake up to the benefits of being a jehovah's witness!
if any of you come back with the ol - the jw's are full of bitter, twisted, people (in the most stupid arse voice of course!
), i'll reply, yeah, but not as rampant as the rest of the me crazy if you like, i don't care, because it's my salvation i'm worried about not've thrown it away because you can't see the bigger picture....trials and tribulation will always abound in this day and is proving like job that we are not discouraged by the trials that gains us the most happiness because we know the trials won't go on much longer and jah will repay us 100 fold for our pain....that's a damn good reward to me!
What I've never understood and will never understand...
is why, when someone decides to go back to being a JW, do they spout hate and venom? It seems so 'unchristian' and yet, that is the very thing they are claiming to be!
I'm not saying I've never considered going back.. I have. But even if I did go back, I would never, ever come to this board and call people names and spout out how I am going to live and everyone is going to they are all self absorbed. I mean..... Come ON!!!! Have a little respect for your fellow humans!!! R E S P E C T?? Get it?
Even Jesus tells us to love our enemies, yet you come here and hatefully judge others who choose not to live as you do.
Get a life girl!
well i got e mailed another jw urban experience.
maybe you have heard it before but if not.... .
i received this great experience, well worth sharing.. .
When I studied with one regular pioneer, she told me of a story....
A brother had been witnessing all morning (in an apartment complex) and had a pretty good response. He was so happy, whistling, swinging his bookbag that he accidently swung his bag against a door. The door opened behind him and the person called out,"what do you want?' He turned around and said,' oh sorry! I'm just happy to be spreading the good news to my fellow humans.I am a Jehovah's Witness." The person looked strange and said,'.....please come in...' After the brother went inside it seems the person was about to kill himself and prayed to God for some sign not to do it. That was when he heard the 'knock' at the door. It seems Jehovah brought the brother to his house!!!
I always believed this I'm starting to have doubts!
this was emailed to me[:.
let me provide you with some facts about prince .
his full name is roger prince nelson.
this was emailed to me[:
Let me provide you with some FACTS about Prince
His full name is Roger Prince Nelson. He attends my Kingdom Hall with Brother Larry Graham
You can look up Larry Graham's experience up in the index). He is not baptized. He just gave
his first talk at our Kingdom Hall 2 months ago and his wife gave one couple of weeks ago. His
wife was recently made an unbaptized publisher. They regularly attend the Sunday meeting
and he will usually answer at least once.
It is incredible the changes he has made. It is really encouraging to see someone like that and
see the affect the "Truth" has on him. Take a listen to his latest CD "Rainbow Children". It is
different music and everyone might not like that type of music but even the lyrics show he is
learning much.
This past Sunday (rainy and dreary) at our 3:30 p.m. meeting in Bowie, a group of 12-14
individuals walked into the Bowie South Kingdom Hall. I turned briefly and saw lots of people
with long hair and fashionable clothes, and made a mental note to be sure to say "hello" after
the meeting to these "new ones" coming to the Hall for the first time.
I noticed a little redheaded, freckled boy sitting in front of my daughter, Emmanuelle, and I
said to her "doesn't that little boy look like Prince Harry, Princess Diana's son in England?" She
sat up rigid in her seat and started to scribble on her notepad feverishly. The words she
wrote were, "Don't say the word "Prince," because he is sitting right behind me."
Confused, I turned my head to the right and there he was, "Prince," "The Artist Formerly
Known As" or whatever he calls himself now. He was very interested in all of the Watchtower
comments made by the little ones in the Hall, as I could see him lean forward to catch a
glimpse of their faces as they would answer questions. One person sitting beside him raised
his hand to answer a question, perhaps for the first time, and it was obvious that he was not
used to giving comments at the meeting. After he gave his shaky response, Prince leaned over
to him and asked, "Hey, what's the matter, Man, are you nervous or something?" Then one of
our brothers raised his hand to read a scripture, but read the wrong one (nervousness) and
the conductor made a joke about him having "good intentions" even though he was reading the
wrong one, and Prince laughed out loud.
Later, the conductor called on another brother "in the back row" and the brother took the
microphone and gave his name as "Brother Graham." Yes, it was "One In A. Million" Larry
Graham and his wife, who both gave lots of excellent comments throughout the meeting. It
was great to hear them expressing their faith in Jehovah. A few minutes later, the conductor
called on another brother in the back row, who quietly took the microphone and announced
his name as "Brother Nelson" and he explained that it was bible truths that made him change
his life, turn around and try to serve Jehovah. I didn't know Prince's real name is Prince
Nelson.......After the meeting and song, a long, black, s-t-r-e-t-t-t-t-t-t-t--c-h limousine awaited
the entourage as they shook hands with publishers. Larry Graham said to my husband Pete
and me, "We serve a wonderful God. Look what He is doing with Prince. Jehovah draws all
sorts of people to Him, and then it is up to those individuals to do the rest."
The party of about 14 slipped into the limousine with one of our brothers (Bro. Craig
Tracey) to go to the Warner Theater for Sunday's last show. It wasn't until that moment that
the friends realized the Craig used to play guitar professionally in a band and his wife (Sis
Jennifer Tracey) used to sing professionally. They had been so modest in our congregation,
one would have never suspected that they had backstage passes to Prince's show the night
before, and had received a call from Larry Graham looking for a Kingdom Hall in the area a
week ago.
It was a great evening where we were all discussing thorns in the flesh in the Watchtower
study. I couldn't help but think about Prince's thorn (the death of his child, which led him to
ask bible-based questions about death, the resurrection, etc.) If Prince could, I'm sure he would
spend any amount necessary to bring back his child, but all the money in the world can't do
that. Jehovah is the only answer for us all.