So, perfect Adam with 100% brain function, allowed his little head to outmanoeuvre his unparalleled perfect brain (even though they never actually had had sex yet)?
...or there never was such "Adam". That makes more sense to me.
starting this thread because of katewild's post.
(from where came god?).
the unanswerable questions of life are usually attributed to: "we are imperfect, so cannot understand.
So, perfect Adam with 100% brain function, allowed his little head to outmanoeuvre his unparalleled perfect brain (even though they never actually had had sex yet)?
...or there never was such "Adam". That makes more sense to me.
having left the witnesses i hope i won't get " fooled again".
yet life outside the organisation seems one big advertistiment telling me how useless i am.
these advertisements tell me i am physically ugly, which can only be corrected by buying the advertisers " answer to my prayers" product.
I know that many people end in organizations like the WT, thinking that they may get shielded from the bad influence and bombarding from the world out there about pretty much everything.
The reality is that the world and life in general can be ugly and tough, but as many of us know now, there isn't any place to go. The WT capitalizes in people's fears or disappointments with the state of the world in order to gain members.
Part of my healing involves a lot of acceptance of "the world", with all the good and bad things that it has.
new to the forums and looking for someone who may have had a similar experience.
i have been disfellowshipped going on 30 years now.
within those thirty years i have built myself a life and slowly learned to cope with the shunning from family and friends.
I think that it's very painful to be submitted to such undeserving mistreatment. Long ago I learned not to accept my JW family's "attempts" at relationships for as long as they remain JWs. They are not, never going to respect my life, my decision, and their attempts have always been for them to feel good about themselves, never real interest in me.
I'm not on Facebook, not only because I don't want those people trying to lurk around my life, but also because as others say, Facebook is no different than the rest of the world. Jerks are jerks, Facebook or not. I love my life too much for me to open doors to the trash that I left behind try to come mess with me.
this was a very painful article to read, and i can only imagine that after this years convention - people will be even more emboldened to cut off friends and family..
They are definitely changing tactics to more passive aggressive methods. All those messages are like "I love you, eff you".
What I really hate about them is their attitude. They act as if they are the ones (and the only ones) calling the shots on relationships. They love having the last word and being the ones ending the relationship.
the remarkable sister pettifog.
this morning i arrived on my bicycle at the local starbucks early, before the intensity of the texas sun boiled to full blaze rendering me a soggy, wrung out mess.. i took up my perch on the outdoor patio in the shade, eager to work on my book of short stories.
this will be my 3rd book and i’ve been enjoying the process daily.. .
I wish I met that lady. Great story.
bad timing for the bunker video with all the police drama going on..
recently one member after viewing the video material was triggered into climbing a bridge in australia and screaming about the ‘great tribulation” coming at any minute.
see picture above..
I don't think that JWs need any of that to have a bad name. They do a great job at that on their own. I don't need that kind of news to have the opinion I have about them.
it seems that when i ask witnesses questions about 1914, they really don't understand the relevance to their message today.
i am told that they preach about the coming kingdom and that they don't preach a message of 1914. if a person doesn't understand 1914 then i can clearly see how showing them the inaccuracies of the doctrine wouldn't matter.
can we compile a list of ties 1914 has to their current beliefs?.
The 1914 thing, IMO, is now being toned down. Historically they have used (abused?) that year as the basis for many of the things they used to preach that now are trying to pretend they never said. Back in the late 1800's they claimed that the new order was going to come in 1914. Then "new light" showed that ridiculously convoluted story about Daniel and the 7 times and the Revelations, and 607BC.
The thing is that all that nonsense is based on Babylon being destroyed in that year, 607 BC, but the JWs are the only ones who claim that that's when that happened. All you have to do is go to any library and find that no reputable, credible historian points at that year. Of course, their calculations of the seven times thing miserably fails if things didn't happen in that year. If you ask me, all their calculations fail miserably, period.
having been out of the cult for a few years now, i can finally sit back and accurately access the good, bad and the ugly, especially as it relates to education and having a sense of self-worth and realizing your potential.
in my opinion, religion is a total crock, but at least in some religions there is at least some value that you can translate your experiences and education gained in such into the real world.
for example, the mormons have their own accredited university where you can obtain a degree and you can actually put that down on your resume and use it in the real world.
IMO, that's one of the things that makes the JWs a cult, the fact that all the efforts people put into that organization serves no other purpose but their interest.
One of the things I realized very earlier when I was ready to start my fade was precisely the fact the the JWs take a very convenient and selfish position. They are "not part of the world" at the time of doing something for the community, but they are in the business of real estate, and use every possible resource that this world has to offer.
I find that disgusting, criticizing everything bad that happens in the world at the same time they do nothing to make it better with the excuse that this world isn't worth saving.
i recently started working on a project in manhattan- in a very nice neighborhood.
just want to share a few observations on the cart witnesses in this area.. this is an area flush with dinero.
so every respectable non profit is out there hustling for donations.
In one of my cities they are everything but bored. They are talking to each other and can't care less about any passersby. I actually passed by their cart three times back and forth and not a single one of them even noticed.
hey all, .
so i recently posted for the first time and introduced myself.. i have been spending time reading various posts.
some informative, some not so much.. since i've been reading on here, i've read a lot from atheists.
I am not here to be converted to Atheism, nor am I here to convert anyone to Theism. I am simply looking for a little support and friendship.
Hello. I am not going to share my believes or non-believes. So as a person who may or may not be a believer, I can give you support and I hope you don't judge what I share as an attack to one way of thinking or another. I can say that what I know about atheists is that they have absolutely no interest in converting people. Believer, on the other hand, tend to proselytize and gain converts, furthermore, try to make atheism fit into their mentality that atheism is some kind of organization or denomination. Have you ever seen an atheist temple? Literature trying to gain converts to atheism? Atheists are not organized and are not a group of the same crop, so there isn't such thing as "converting" people to atheism.
Believers do love to preach, convert and "share their wonderful experiences" with others, many times try to force them on others. Many belong to religious organizations with strict rules and guided by some kind of leadership.
So my first suggestion to you is that if you have any interest in being a believer, please be aware that classifying people as "believers" or "atheists" is just faulty. "believers" put every single person who has any sort of believe in some god together, from religious cults to every single denomination. Are you going to say that you can just bundle up all people who has a belief in a higher power exactly the same and put them in the same pile that fits them all?
On the other hand, if you want to "explore" atheism, know that there isn't a place to look for it or study it; it is not a religion, nor a belief, nor an organization, nor something that should be processed the same way that people who have a belief in some god handles their belief system.
Now, based on what I have read, I do not see any "hostility" towards believers. Please understand that many religious people come to forums and places like this looking for reassurance of what they believe, and convinced of things like "Jesus is the way". When those people get hit on the face with the fact that there is a wealth of believe and non-believes, and that their way is not necessarily the right way for everyone, many play the victim card and claim hostility, prosecution, attacks. The second that their believes are challenged they tend to be quite reactive. Atheist, many are fed up with having to put up with such attitudes from believers.
Something interesting is that apparently you seem to see a problem when there are more atheists than believers. Why? How is that a threat to the support you may need? You can get support from atheist, just don't expect them to say to you to "trust god" or "leave it on Jehovah's hands" or "god has a plan", which is what many believers rely on. They may suggest you to look for professional help instead. That is support, maybe not the one you'd prefer to hear about.